“SECOND GRADE, AND THEY DON’T KNOW TO READ” The results of the students in the first trimester, parents and teachers ASY


Student results in the first quarter are worse than in previous years, and that was mainly due to online teaching, which in the first wave of the epidemic in March simply had no alternative, then shortened classes and frequent absences. caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Teachers say the situation in schools is getting complicated, there are a growing number of infected teachers and students, and some worst results from the first quarter are being summarized.

In some schools they are not satisfactory at all, in others they say that the grades are good, but that there are not enough, while the majority agree that the results in general are worse than the previous year.

– Arrives late with the lower grade program. The kids didn’t learn what to do this spring, and instead of going back to that, we continued. Somewhere you have children who have enrolled in second grade and cannot read. The grades are generally worse. There is nothing about watching online classes at home, each day they are lagging further behind while the television curriculum goes further. In rural areas, there are no conditions in some places because children do not have internet. What they learn in those few days a week at school is everything, said Dejana M, a teacher in the lower grades at a Novi Sad primary school.

“More discipline is needed”

Classes last 30 minutes, children go to school for two or three days, otherwise they are at home. In schools where children in the lower grades go to class every day, the situation is better. On the other hand, most elementary schools do not have the conditions to teach classes in their facilities for the upper grades. Parents we spoke to said that online teaching simply cannot replace that in the classroom.

– How to control a child when I am at work. Hope this ends as soon as possible. The grandmother is usually with the child, but just watching television is not school. She is in fifth grade and it is very important to continue with the work habits that she has learned so far, because the material is increasingly difficult and complicated and takes longer, which means more discipline and better organization. It is difficult for everyone, children, teachers and parents, Mother Miljana Perić from Novi Sad told us.

In big cities, schools face a shortage of teaching staff as the virus spreads. Schools in smaller communities also have fewer infected people, but the problem is attending classes online because it often happens that their children have nowhere to send them.

“Bad learning at home”

– I can’t say that the situation is extremely bad when we talk about grades, but it is certainly worse than when we went to school normally. In the lower grades, the situation is better because the children go to school every day. In the upper grades the situation is not very good. Students should watch classes on television that day when they are not at school. Do they do that? Most do not. When they arrive at school, the teacher, according to the curriculum, continues to teach, hoping that the previous lesson has been followed and learned. In most cases, this does not happen. The results in the first quarter are bad, but they will serve as a signal for the next period – said Zlatko Bulić, principal of the Primary School “Branko Radičević” in Čenta.

Photo: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

As he adds, so far they have no problems with the lack of staff, but from what they hear in some schools, the situation is already dramatic, there is no one to teach, while their classmates work from morning to night.

– I know that online teaching is difficult for students and parents, but believe me, it is at least twice as difficult for teachers, the phones ring until 11 at night – continued the principal.

“There are not enough grades”

Aleksandar Markov from the Belgrade Gymnasium Forum says that the results are no worse than the previous year, but that the knowledge may not have been sufficiently tested and verified.

– We should do a comprehensive analysis, which we did not do, if we talk about the problems in teaching caused by the crown. Currently, if students in each subject have a grade, it is good, which was not the case before. The knowledge may not have been sufficiently tested, but as far as the ratings themselves are standard, there was no major deviation. There are many more absences because students can choose for themselves whether to come or listen to classes online, and then there are excuses that they don’t have the Internet, Markov said.

As he believes, the Internet is not a problem for most students in Belgrade, but it can be an excuse for them not to be in class, in other parts of the country the lack of Internet is definitely a problem. In Belgrade, as he himself says, the number of infected students and teachers is increasing and in some schools finding a replacement is already a problem.

– In such conditions, teachers get the most out of it, which is great – no, we drive, which is the best word – concluded Markov.

VIDEO: Rules of conduct at school during the COVID-19 epidemic
