Scientists of the world: we demand that Vučić publicly apologize to Rakić


The world’s most famous scientists in the field of bioethics have publicly defended Vojin Rakić, head of UNESCO’s Department of Bioethics, from the attack by Aleksandar Vučić and the pro-regime media against him and his work.

The statement said that after Rakic ​​criticized the Serbian government and president for abusing anti-pandemic measures to consolidate power, he was slandered on pro-regime television and media programs: “UNESCO (Haifa), presenting its academic work in a false light, as well as the avalanche of slander against him and his family, with open lies about his private life and the private lives of his minor children, “the statement said.

Despite denials from the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics (Haifa), the campaign intensified and the Serbian president personally slandered Rakic ​​during an interview: “It is unheard of that a respected bioethicist, political scientist and academic like Professor Rakic face such intense persecution just for expressing political disagreements with the rulers. We draw attention to this abuse by the Serbian authorities and its state media, and we demand that the abuse stop and that the President of Serbia apologize publicly correct “.

The open letter was signed, among others, by leading experts in the field of bioethics. Julian Savulescu, Head of the Department of Bioethics at the University of Oxford and Singer Piter from Princeton University.

Under the title “Serious situation in Serbia”, the letter was published on the website of the world’s most influential bioethics scientific journal and sent to the UN Secretary-General, the Director-General of UNESCO, the President of the European Commission and the President of the European Parliament.
