Schwarm: The Ministry of Culture legalized the practice of intimidation in a statement


Filip Švarm, editor-in-chief of the weekly Vreme, commenting on the intrusion and splitting of the comic exhibition in Zemun, but also the announcement of the Ministry of Culture on that occasion, assures that it is “one of the most embarrassing announcements we have received in the last years, although the contest is not small “. It is a justification of fascist practice, a Nazi pamphlet and the legalization of intimidation and people who invade, estimates the New Day guest, adding that the Ministry has thus shown that the citizens of Serbia are divided into two lines.

The Ministry, estimates, relativizes what happened, they state that they condemn all this and the attack on the artists, the pressure, but they say that the exhibition is shameful, that these works and their authors belong to the “underground spirit”, that the exhibition should not have Having happened, that people distinguish between right and wrong and then marvel at the negative reaction. “For them, when someone breaks in, fires tear gas, evaporates those works, it is a negative reaction. The message of the ministry is that it is a perverted, anti-national art, to rebel some people and then they come in a torrent of righteous anger and ruin it. fascist practices ”, says the guest of H1, adding that the Ministry issued a Nazi pamphlet. Remember that in Nazi Germany the so-called perverted art was determined, which was banned.

The message, he adds, is that you can have problems, that if you paint and write and say something, with masked guys, that is also dangerous.

He says he forgets how ruined public and political life is in Serbia. We have an assembly in which there is no opposition, we live in a one-party state, in which one person asks about everything, both when the assembly will be constituted and when the government will be formed, says Schwarm. “We have Darko Glisic, the first cooperative of the SNS, who believes that the word democracy is a phrase imposed from outside. And when to all this you add the declaration of the Ministry of Culture, which actually justifies an act of violence, you can seriously worry. “

He says that the message from the Ministry is terrifying, and that many people in Serbia, who are engaged in public affairs, will be very careful after this announcement about what they will do, what they will say, where they will act and how … This is A message that there are two orders of citizens in Serbia, one that can do everything that comes to mind and the other that cannot, that is, it is a kind of one, is to blame for everything that happens to you, says Schwarm. It is the legalization of the practice of intimidation and the “legalization” of intruders, those ultra-rightists, he said.

He noted that we are now before the Ministry, and that attention must be diverted from the intrusion, but also from the objective of the exhibition, so it is also a danger. And he adds: that intrusion diverted attention from the fact that it is Miša Vacić interrupted the exhibition “Door – and when it hurts, the truth is the cure”“at the Cultural Decontamination Center.

Vučić and officials as realities, ministers are just secretaries

Commenting on the text of the Press Navigation entitled “Children speak the language of reality and crime,” he says that it is not something that belongs only to young people. When you look at the way Aleksandar Vučić behaves, you have all the elements that you have on the reality show, you will see those hyper-motivations: the president is constantly angry or excited about something, or extremely happy, he is the most powerful man but he has constant enemies, he is constantly persecuted, so he does not choose the way he will draw attention to himself, to be the center of attention, says Schwarm.

He adds that he is somehow being copied by other officials, both state and party. You can see the direction of Prime Minister Ana Brnabić, which is a way of approaching hyper-reality, and she is excited, constantly excited, she has some problems that she wants to explain and that is spreading even more, she adds. The authorities are behaving as if they were in reality, as if there was a kind of expulsion and it has become a kind of speech, and there is no confrontation of discussions, dialogue, only shouting, he adds.

Speaking of the aforementioned ministry for dialogue, he says he thinks it will be “spectacular” and that he could, for example, deal with good behavior. The problem is of another type, and it is having a regime that sees the enemy in anyone who has an attitude different from theirs, in any critic, in anyone who does something for the public interest.

He does not expect the ministry to change anything, and he thinks that it is very possible that there is someone who is not from the ruling party, perhaps even someone from the party who did not pass the census, that is, it will be a “fig leaf” that should cover the dangerous fact that Serbia is a one-party society, in which a small limited group decides absolutely everything.

Here the ministers are not ministers, they are a group of secretaries of the Presidency of the Republic, who compete with each other who will be faster and more efficient, but these are people who do not have opinion, initiative and ideas, do not have and will not have their own opinion, they will repeat what Vučić said he would try to end his speeches by giving him his full support, says Švarm, speaking about the future government.

He claims that there would be no difference even if the Government had been elected earlier. He thinks there may be experts on that. Vučić will decide on everything and all ministers, as well as whether the SPS or Šapić or some other party will enter the government, he added, saying that there will probably be some “ikebana”, which will be a fig leaf for the monolithic structure of the government.

Speaking of the arrival of Miroslav Lajcak and the report of the European Commission, he says that there is nothing new, that (Lajcak) is a professional diplomat who came to read the report and that both he and Vucic are aware that from the report and Vucic’s reactions will be of no consequence. At this moment, Brussels sees in the president of Serbia a man who has entered into the solution of the Kosovo problem. And as long as that lasts, there will be no major problems with the various things mentioned in the report, he said. That report would be a slap in the face if Serbia were one step away, two from the entrance, but Serbia is not there, he said.

Ministry of Culture: Such statements are hate speech

In reaction to Švarm’s guest appearance on H1, the Ministry of Culture and Information announced that his statements were “hate speech” as well as “dangerous and harmful”.

“In the absence of arguments, Schwarm conspires in a way that causes concern because he affirms lies and sick accusations as a form of communication and calls for political and other violence, by drawing a target on the heads of his political opponents,” the ministry said in a statement.
