Schroeder: Anyone who thinks they can force Russia is wrong


Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has called for the lifting of EU-imposed sanctions against Russia after the unification of Russia and Crimea.

Source: Sputnik



He stressed that cooperation with Russia is especially necessary in the current economic situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic, reports Tagesspigel.

Speaking about World War II, Spiegel emphasized that “we must not overestimate the fact that despite a terrible past, Russia is ready to cooperate with the new Germany in a spirit of trust.”

“The fact that we support sanctions against Russia contradicts this. At this time, when difficult times await us in the economy due to the coronavirus crisis, more cooperation is needed. That is why meaningless sanctions must be lifted.” , said.

According to him, anyone who believes that the use of sanctions can compel Russia to do anything is wrong.

“No Russian president will hand over Crimea to Ukraine. It is a reality,” added Schroeder.

Speaking about the situation in eastern Ukraine, the former German chancellor noted that “peace will only be possible if Ukraine becomes a federal state, in which the eastern part of the country will gain more autonomy.”

Relations between Russia and Western countries have worsened since Crimea became part of Russia in March 2014, after a referendum held after the coup in Kiev. 96.77 percent of the voters of the Republic of Crimea and 95.6 percent of Sevastopol residents voted in favor of unification with Russia. Ukraine still considers Crimea as its provisionally occupied territory.

According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Crimea issue has definitely been addressed.
