SCENES THAT MEET THE HEAD OF THE CRISIS See videos and photos that make Dr. Kona and his colleagues HEADACHE (VIDEO)


Lines wherever we look – while during the day we were all shocked by the photos and recordings in front of the stores in the cities on the occasion of Black Friday, at night another line in front of the Kovid ambulance left everything without text. Paradoxical scenes led to the despair of the Crisis Staff members, and that behavior could cost us in the next few days.

However, this is not the first nor the last time: it was similar with the crown parties in the capital, lumperajkas in nightclubs, concerts where the measures were not respected, celebrations and fairs, and even at the funeral of Patriarch Irinej where many present loved the coffin. , and the communion was made with the same spoon.

The black wave of the coronavirus that is hitting Serbia these days with dramatic figures and announcements from epidemiologists that unless we urgently start adhering to all measures as far as possible and above all reducing contacts exclusively to those necessary for vital needs, we will suffer catastrophic consequences. they are not a sufficient warning to some citizens.

For some, “Black Friday” and discounts from retail chains were obviously more important. Then we were able to see scary scenes in one of the capital’s shopping centers. Large numbers of people waited in lines, many of whom did not respect the measurements, and it was more important for them to get a cheaper piece of clothing than if they were infected with the corona virus.

“I wouldn’t think of such a thing.”

On the other side are the lines in front of the kovid ambulance. Black Friday took the breath of crisis staff members. Epidemiologist Predrag Kon was the first to comment on the unnecessary crowds in front of stores.

I have no good words about the behavior on that “Black Friday,” Kon said.

– You can hardly ban Black Friday. Whoever organizes it is directly responsible for it. If the fact is that crowds are being created, we cannot accept responsibility. Everyone has their individual responsibility: Dr. Kon answered the question about the shopping mania that is organized today in a large number of stores and malls throughout the country.

As he said, something like that would not have occurred to him.

– It is not clear to me how it is more important when more than 50 people died – he pointed out.

Let’s clarify what is most important

The epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorovic joined him in criticizing.

Answering the question of what are the greatest dangers now, the doctor says that the danger of “Black Friday” is completely unjustified.

– It is not clear to me why we have to accept everything that is worse, and I must say that it is wrong even if it is a peaceful situation. Look at the western countries, Slovenia, there was no ‘Black Friday’. What happened now represents no per thousand in terms of financial support, and inflicts incalculable damage to the organization of the health service and the preservation of health, Tidorović said.

“We are in a situation where we have to clarify what is most important at this time, at this time health is the most important thing, even at the cost of the economy. Nothing terrible will happen to the economy if it is 10, 15 days of complete calm and complete control over this. ” situation, “added the doctor.

Serious consequences

A member of the crisis staff and Minister Darija Kisić Tepavčević also spoke about Black Friday and its consequences.

– The photos we saw made me sad. Significantly, the number of citizens wear masks and that is something that is comforting. If the masks are used in the right way, it is an important form of prevention, but they often wear masks under the nose. It is not a mask to be sure if someone is in control, but to protect themselves and the health of their loved ones, said Dr. Tepavcevic.

He added that “no regulation can bring an effective measure if we do not respect it”, and that he cannot believe that “no regulation or law is above one’s desire to stay healthy.”

– It is obvious that Black Friday will be reflected in the numbers. The virus has shown that it can take advantage of a situation where we are careless. Each family must act as if it were its own crisis staff. It is our duty and obligation to disclose all information based on evidence. That has changed over time, so now we may sound contradictory, but that’s medicine, things are changing – he noted.
