Scandalous scenes from “KUPUSIJADE”: the music is blaring, the cafe tables are filled with no needles to drop and masks


Kupusijada is a traditional agricultural and tourist event that is held every year in September in Mrcajevci. Such demonstrations are nothing new, but now, at the time of the corona virus epidemic, organizing a meeting with several hundred people in violation of the prescribed epidemiological measures is really unacceptable.

Visitors to the informal demonstration in Mrčajevci, which was organized by the cafe owners, are singing and having fun for ten at the table, without worrying about their health and that of others.

The local catering services, despite the bans, but also the warnings of epidemiologists, organized an informal Kupusijada on their own initiative without conscience or thinking about the consequences of such a demonstration.

Benefit above health

In several restaurants and three tents, music was played, drinks were served, visitors huddled together as they sat ten at a table, and they had to be five feet away, singing and having fun, and he did not wear a mask for almost anyone Not even the waiters, Kurir writes.

– The cabbage festival is traditionally celebrated around this time, but this year it was canceled due to the coronavirus. This did not prevent some local caterers in Čačak and Mrčajevci from organizing on their own initiative, without any permission, as if everything were normal. Two catering companies, which already have facilities there, have expanded their capacities by setting up tents, and in addition, a large marquee has been set up in a public area, near an oak tree in the center of Mrcajevac, with capacity for several hundred people. . This madness will last until the end of the weekend, says Zoran M. from Čačak for Kurir.

He, who is also a caterer, was outraged by what he saw on Friday.

– I own a wedding salon and haven’t done anything for seven months. This year he had 211 festivities scheduled and everything fell apart. I have 45 workers, I don’t know where I hit … It really doesn’t make sense to organize an event like that without anyone reacting. We will all catch it – says our interlocutor.

They cook cabbage in the patios

Radoslav Bogicevic, president of MZ Mrcajevci, says that the organizing committee of the official Kupusijada did not even meet this year, because larger gatherings are prohibited.

– What is in Mrčajevci are guests who traditionally come to us, godparents, friends … We cook cabbage for them in our homes and patios, but they are smaller, family-type gatherings. We don’t know who did what besides the official organizers – says Bogicevic.

This is, by the way, only the latest in a series of cases where there are recklessly organized celebrations and festivities with large numbers of people throughout Serbia, without respecting physical distance or wearing masks.

Hence, the epidemiologist Predrag Kon repeated yesterday that he warned of the danger of such massive concentrations and emphasized that he does not rule out the introduction of new measures when it is cold:

– We have not defined what will happen if there is an explosion of joy and glory. We ask people to understand that we are entering the season when it is dangerous.


Igor Krivokapić, the head of the Čačak City Inspection Supervision Administration, tells Kurir that the inspection was carried out in Mrčajevci on Friday, but that he will receive the report next week.

– We take care of controlling the working hours of the catering and retail facilities. The inspection took place on Friday in Mrcajevci, but I will receive the report next week.

No one answered the landline of the health inspection yesterday.

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