SCANDAL IN HULIGAN AWARDS OF THE SO-CALLED KOSOVO gathered in front of the Church of Our Lady of Ljeviska and surprised the Albanians with shouts / VIDEO /


The scandalous video recently appeared on social networks, and in the foreground is a group of fans of the so-called state of Kosovo.

A group of men gathered in front of the Church of Our Lady of Ljeviska sang insulting songs and shouted slogans “Kosovo is the heart of Albania”.

According to the Kosovo media, this is an alleged reaction to the fact that “Kosovo is Serbia” was shouted in Prizren on Saturday by people who visited the said church.

“Gazeta Express” also reports that due to this incident, traffic in that part of Prizren was stopped for a quarter of an hour.

The alleged police reacted. the state of Kosovo, which was in the immediate vicinity, ie the police patrol guarding Ljeviska in the historic area of ​​Prizren.

While those gathered shouted insulting slogans, there were believers in the church, which could be seen in the video.

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