SCANDAL AT SCHOOL NEAR ĆUPRIJA The teacher sent a photo of the SEX ORGAN to the students with their homework!


Teacher Nenad N. (50) from a place near Ćuprija, in addition to homework, sent a photo of his polo organ to the students and parents of the Weber group. The scandal happened on October 27, when one of the parents was surprised by the message with the photo of the penis that he received from his son’s teacher. He immediately informed the police, who forwarded the report to the High Technology Crime Prosecutor’s Office.

The Ministry of Education confirmed to “Blic” that the aforementioned incident occurred.

– The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development was informed about the event at the Primary School “October 13” in Ćuprija in accordance with the procedures and the school director initiated a disciplinary process against the employee in which all are determined the facts and responsibilities – the Ministry stated for our list.

I had no intention

The teacher justified himself by saying that he knew little about “modern technologies” and did not know how to “hook up” and forward photos of the penis with assignments.

– The parent of a student informed me that the teacher posted a photo with inappropriate content. He even showed me a message with that image. I had no choice but to suspend the professor and initiate a disciplinary process. A colleague does not deny that he did. He told me that he did not intend to do that. He explained that as part of his homework, he sent two or three photos that accompanied the assignments. You clicked on the photo by mistake, you didn’t even realize what you sent. It wasn’t until half an hour later, when he checked to see if everyone had looked at the assignments, that he was surprised to see what he had sent. He deleted the image immediately, but his parents and students have already seen it. The teacher called his parents and apologized. It was very uncomfortable for him – says the principal of the school M. Đ.

He added that the parents insisted that the teacher leave the class. Many were conciliatory and understanding, because a mistake could happen to anyone, while others demanded that the teacher be punished and fired.

Photo: Profimedia / RAS Serbia

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development confirmed for “Informer” that the school director initiated a disciplinary process against the teacher.

– The school reacted in accordance with the laws and regulations. A colleague has worked in education for more than three decades. In your case, there is an obvious mistake in dealing with modern technology. You didn’t intend to, but you shouldn’t have that content on your phone. The photo was kept as evidence in the proceedings, says the school principal.

As we learn, the school suspended the teacher for six months while the disciplinary procedure lasts, with a salary reduction of 30 percent.

They don’t understand the mobile

– Nenad’s colleagues are still in shock. The situation in the team is unpleasant, it affects the reputation of the school. Some say educators use private phones for official purposes, that the school did not provide devices. Care must be taken with what is on the phone and what is forwarded, notes the director.

The suspended teacher refused to speak to reporters
