Savic: In some private companies, the owners are not employers, but slave drivers.


“I suggest that the government make a team and visit to see what the situation is in private companies. In some owners they are not employers, but slave hunters, the situation is bad. A category of the population has not found a place in the budget, and they are poorer and potentially poor, that he takes care of them “, asks the professor of the Faculty of Economics, Ljubodrag Savić.

Ljubodarg Savić recalls that the owners of some companies, who made a lot of money, were the first to receive help from the citizens, but they did not ask how the workers of their companies and people who have no income live.

“A lot of people are employed through agencies, leases and contracts, the boss can tell them every day: thank you, go home kindly. There are many good employers, a convincingly greater number, this refers to those who think that it is legitimate to wait to claim to help without any responsibility ”, says the professor.

When asked if the economy can get stronger, Savic said we can only wait, but it won’t be a tragedy if six percent is not planned.

“We remember other times, during the 2008 crisis, the first measure was to raise VAT, there is always the possibility of delivering the missing money, we did it through the reduction of salaries and pensions of 2014-2018, but before we worked through of VAT. countries today can say that they will achieve what they plan to do, ”he says.

Savic recalls that we are used to the budget rebalancing “going up”, but the opposite can also happen: giving up some projects.

“The expenses for capital investments are high, who says that we have to complete the road if the situation is critical. The budget is responsible, but ambitious, there are many reservations, it is a long year. This is a plan and projection of what the government intends, but it does not mean all that. In 2014, the greatest weight of the crisis was borne by pensioners, followed by people in the public sector, whose salaries were reduced at least three times, we must understand that it is a difficult time, much more serious countries are in trouble and have higher rates fall. I cannot agree that we are the best in Europe in terms of growth rate, no, we have the smallest decline … We are in a difficult time and we must be responsible, that we all act as people, if we fight a pandemic , the higher costs will fall. A little patience, let’s hope, I am not optimistic that all the figures are like this, it is difficult to create a growth rate of six percent, ”said the professor from the Faculty of Economics.

As he says, they can be saved in various places and the state has already missed one thing.

“We gave 600 million euros, and we had a small increase in GDP, it melted, you can blame the government. My proposal was not to do it, but to use it as a social measure. We have public companies that every year. They are taking a lot of money, we have to end up somewhere, we have ambitious benefits in the economy, ”says Savić.
