Sasa Paunovic: The Same Team Has Been Appointing Presidents Since 2012 – Politics


Sasa Paunovic, former vice president of the Democratic Party, tells the local Infocentral portal that the group (which supports the famous actor Branislav Lecic) is directly responsible for the fall of this party in the last eight years.

Sasa Paunovic: The same team has been appointing presidents since 2012. 1Photo: Media Center

– As one of the Twitter users warned, so far there has been no such fraud on the Serbian political scene, as this organization of ‘elections’ in the DS, and we have seen it all. Who would pretend to hold elections, despite all the rules of an organization, with forgeries, with the idea that the regime, when it is supposedly fighting, will ‘recognize’ such results by registering a ‘new president’? They are people who are willing to lie, and when you ‘hit them on the head’ with facts and arguments, it does not affect them at all, they have no morals and no conscience, Paunović said.

He added that this is the team that has changed and appointed all the presidents of DS since 2012, except Lutovac, in fact it is a team that is directly responsible, because manipulations, lies, fraud have been carried out near the ‘court’ all these years. for the fall of the Democratic Party in the last eight years.

– They do not know how to do anything other than lobby within the party, they are not interested in other elections than those of the party. This time, they managed to find some suckers from the category of ‘recognizable DS faces’ whose role is to give the whole scam the illusion of legitimacy. “Following social networks, it seems that the entire operation for citizens, which is considered opposition to the ruling regime, has experienced a total fiasco and that Lecic and his gang can only be leaders of a Progressive Democratic Party,” Paunovic told Infocentral.

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