The trial of the Valjevo group, whose members are accused, among other things, of the murder of boxer Zeljko Djedovic (30) and extortion, continued with a stormy dispute of several hours between a lawyer and a judge! The defendant Marko Miličković did not go to court, so the judge of the Special Court of Belgrade, Svetlana Aleksić, separated the proceedings against him, to which the defense reacted, stating that the registry should not continue with the reading of the evidence of the prosecutor.

Judge Svetlana Aleksić requested medical documentation for Miličković and the lawyers said it had already been submitted. After that, the trial chamber called Milickovic’s lawyer, Miladin Zivanovic, to reach an agreement, and then told his colleagues that he had been told they would order Milickovic’s custody if he did not produce documentation.
At the beginning of the trial, the judge said that she rejected the request for his exclusion, as well as that of the President of the High Court, Aleksandar Stepanović, presented by the lawyers of the first defendant Milan Lazarević, alias Laza Bombaš.
– We asked for an exemption because we were not allowed to photograph the object, and Stepanović because he did not allow us to publish information of public importance. However, the judge rejected our request as inadmissible. Strange how he received a request from the Court of Appeals to decide on his exemption! – says lawyer Nikola Jovanović.
The trial will continue on September 24.
Lazi Bombasu has been on trial for 11 years. He spent seven years in the custody of the Belgrade Central Prison and two more years under house arrest.

He claims that he is not behind the murder of Djedovic, but Nebojsa Joksovic (48), an associate witness in the trial against Darko Saric (48).
He previously called for the disqualification of the entire court panel, claiming that they ignored claims by witnesses that Joksović was behind Đedović’s murder.
– The witnesses Goran Nikolašević and Miloš Nikolić told the notary that they had personal knowledge that Nebojša Joksović, alias Joca Bokser, was behind the murder of Đedović. The judges did not analyze and reconsider his role in such a serious crime – said Lazarevic, who pointed out that the trial was rigged.
Lazarevic requests the recusal of Judge Svetlana Aleksic, alleging that he cannot participate in the process in which Nebojsa Joksovic is a witness, since he maintains a close relationship with his wife Tatjana Tanja Joksovic.
-They worked in the same court from 2000 to 2007. It is hidden, but I have my sources – Lazarevic said earlier.
It is interesting that the same judicial panel is trying Darko Saric, who on July 31 sentenced him to nine years for allegedly “laundering” more than 20 million euros of dirty money, which the Prosecutor’s Office alleges was obtained through cocaine smuggling.
The lawyers for 17 defendants have announced appeals against this verdict to the Belgrade Court of Appeal, which is giving the last word.

Earlier in the second trial, the same panel sentenced Darko Saric to 15 years in prison for alleged cocaine smuggling. Both the defense and the prosecution appealed the verdict.
The final decision is expected to be made soon by the Belgrade Court of Appeal. You can confirm or change this verdict in terms of the amount of the judgment, but also the fault.
The three-member court is composed of Judge Siniša Petrović (brought to the Special Court from Novi Pazar), Svetlana Aleksić, who is the Vice President of the High Court, Aleksandar Stepanović, and Judge Dragomir Gerasimović.
(Kurir.rs/Alo.rs, D. Ćuruvija)

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