Šarčević: Those for whom I am responsible will bear the consequences; I struggled with difficulty


Any omission during the epidemic in schools and kindergartens, which may jeopardize the safety of children, will be considered a serious breach of duty, Minister Šarčević said.

Source: Tanjug



Education Minister Mladen Šarčević said he would send such a warning to employees, especially school and kindergarten principals.

“In our law, the minister can react, I fought hard for those opportunities,” Sarcevic told TV Pink.

He cited Vlasotince as an example of such an omission, where one of the employees in the kindergarten was positive for the coronavirus, and that in such a situation, the director of the health center and the director of the kindergarten made “bad evaluations” .

“The health center received the results at half past twelve at night. The director of the health center estimated that it was late. He could send messages when people woke up to see them. They called the kindergarten at 7.15 or seven and average, when a child had already been admitted. Of course, that child was not in danger because he was not in contact with the infected person, “said the minister.

He claims that the entire case was politicized and that the former president of the Vlasotince municipality used it for political purposes.

The omission was from the Health Center for failing to inform the daycare as soon as the results arrived, and the daycare director for not “leaving an employee at home when the results did not come.”

“Those with whom I am in charge will bear the consequences.”
