Sara Damnjanović – tiktokerka and influencer – Mladenovac – school


The municipality of Mladenovac invited the public figure to hang out with the children, and the honor of being the first guest went to the famous “tiktokerka” and “influencer” Sara Damnjanović. Although it was announced that he would visit the primary schools in Mladenovac, after the public protested, the meeting moved to the town square.

Some parents and teachers consider the whole event inappropriate, while the municipal leadership denies that Damnjanović’s plan was to hold lectures in schools and refuses to speak on behalf of H1 television.

In Mladenovac square today on the brink of an incident.

A large number of founders were eager to take selfies with “tick talk” sensation and taekwondo champion Sara Damnjanović. A stampede followed.

Veljko Lukić, a member of the municipal council in charge of the youth, did his best to calm the excited children and protect the guest. But everything was unsuccessful, so the guest was “evacuated” to the municipal building.

And who knows what it would look like if the friendship with the influencer took place in the originally advertised locations.

“If you are from Mladenovac and you attend elementary school from fifth to eighth grade, then this will be interesting for you, considering that we will be in your elementary schools on Monday October 5th. I was invited by the municipality of Mladenovac,” said Sara Damnjanović, tictoker and influencer.

The change in the plan came after a part of the parents was disturbed by the news on social networks that Damnjanovic will give a lecture to primary school students on the occasion of Children’s Week.

Sara damnjanovicSource: H1

“Today we are here specifically for sports. That is the main reason why I was invited. I am not an influencer, I am not a ticker, it is not something essential in my life. I am followed by millions of people, everyone knows who I am and what I am and what results I have behind me, so I can freely say that I am one of the most successful people here in our area, “says Damnjanović.

Parents say: it is not a problem to talk about sports, but …

“What is debatable for that age is to invite someone who is also an influencer, in addition to being an elite athlete, because children of this age, from 11 to 14 or from seven to even 14, are very receptive to all that. at home, we are fighting with them over the issue of all this uncensored content that is available to them, ”says Jovana Gajić, the mother of the students.

The attitude of the parents was also supported by some educators. Teacher Slavica Visnjic says no one officially informed her or her colleagues about the arrival of the guest speaker.

“What is scandalous about this whole event is that someone from the municipality came up with the idea of ​​organizing it on their own. We do not know first what is the purpose, what is the educational task, what is the educational task, what image we send to children. As someone who teaches art culture, it means that I feel called to react to some kind of culture, and yesterday I was outraged when I heard it, ”says Slavica Visnjic, professor of art culture.

sara damnjanovićSource: H1

Parents and teachers also wonder: who financed the meeting and organized it during the epidemic? We tried to find out from Councilor Lukić.

N1: “You, do you have something to say?”

Lukic: “No, we are finishing the interview.”

N1: “Don’t you have anything to say to parents who are upset about it? “

Lukic: “We are finishing the interview, we will not give more for your television … thank you.”

Due to the councilor’s refusal to speak, we were also deprived of information whether the fact that in 2018 she was on the list of more than 1,000 public figures supporting Aleksandar Vučić was taken into account when choosing Damnjanović to visit Mladenovac.
