Sapic was elected president of the Municipal Assembly of New Belgrade


At the constitutive session of the New Belgrade City Municipality, it was decided that the current President Aleksandar Šapić will now preside over the Assembly of this local self-government.

He announced that the second session of the new call will be held in October, and then the name of the new president will be known, reports News.

In yesterday’s session, Šapić received the vote of 48 of the 49 councilors who obtained mandates in the new municipal parliament.

The first session of the new convocation was chaired by Miloš Šapić.

At Shapic’s proposal, Tatjana Kitanovic was elected secretary of the Assembly, who until now was the chief of staff of the president of the CSO New Belgrade.

Following the elections held on June 21 in New Belgrade, spears were broken between the SNS and Aleksandar Šapić’s list.

Following the objection sent by the SNS to the local electoral commission, the vote count determined that Šapić’s list had a minimal advantage.

The previous president’s party has 23 councilors, the SNS 22 mandates and the SPS and United Serbia coalition have four councilors in parliament.
