Šapić on the Sava bridge: I am in favor of removing that taunt


Aleksandar Šapić, president of the municipality of New Belgrade, declared in the “Review of the day” program in Nova S that he is in favor of removing the Sava bridge and making a new one in its place.

“He should stay in that place, but not on that bridge. I am in favor of taking this mockery of the bridge, where there is no man who has not punctured at least five tires, a bridge that cannot accommodate the amount of cars at the level of 1950 “. you don’t know when you cross it if it will crash or make more noise “, Šapić stated, Nova.rs reports.

He said he supports the city of Belgrade’s plan to build a new bridge, which will connect New Belgrade.

“You will enter the tunnel through it. I saw that plan. It should leave on November 29 and completely change the image of Belgrade traffic. Belgrade is developing so much that a much more functional bridge is needed,” Sapic said.

He claimed that the Sava Bridge, when it was built, had no value, neither cultural nor historical.

“It was a steel bridge made by the Germans to carry heavy weapons. It is true that the old master removed mines, not because he was bored and because the bridge was beautiful, but because he could not cross to the other side of the river. Due to a combination of unfortunate circumstances, that bridge survived for 80 years and we are lucky to have removed it earlier, “Šapić said.

Let’s not drown Belgrade: Šapić showed the face of an SNS follower

The initiative “Let’s not drown Belgrade” assessed that the president of the municipality of New Belgrade, Aleksandar Šapić, when saying that the Old Sava Bridge is “a mockery to be eliminated”, showed the true face of the “followers” of the Progressive Party Serbian.

“This is not the first time that Aleksandar Šapić has sided with the city government, which is destroying our city,” the announcement said.

According to the Initiative, during the electoral campaign, Sapic “stood out for completely ignoring” numerous scandals and violations of the law in which the SNS participated, and as added, the reason for that now is his ambition to participate in the government together with the SNS. .

The Old Sava Bridge is a functional traffic connection used by more than 30,000 vehicles a day, and as the Let’s Not Drowning in Belgrade Initiative stated in a statement, its historical importance deserves to be protected and named after the master Miladin Zaric who saved it of destruction in 1944.
