Šapić: I consider myself the best candidate for mayor of Belgrade


Aleksandar Šapić, president of the Serbian Patriotic Alliance (SPAS), says he is surprised by how shocked the media are with his statement that he would be the best candidate for mayor of Belgrade, considering his extensive experience in local politics . “If I need to recommend myself somewhere, it is the position of mayor. That is why I did not enter the government,” he said. As for the interparty dialogue, he hopes it will happen, but he will not be happy “if foreigners have to be mentors again”, because “it is our shame.”

“I consider myself the best candidate for mayor. I have enough experience and knowledge and I would have enough quality. If I need to recommend myself somewhere, it is the position of mayor. That is why I did not enter the government,” Sapic said in Novi Dan on TV N1 , recalling that he has been in charge of New Belgrade for 10 years, “the best developed Serbian municipality”, and that he has extensive experience in local politics, which recommends him for the position of first man in the city.

“New Belgrade would look like this even if it were not at the top, it is the best developed Serbian municipality, but I think I also gave my modest contribution: we managed to raise communication with citizens to the highest possible level … I think we have done a lot things that were previously ignored and that made life easier for citizens, ”Šapić believes.

When asked to comment on the Freedom and Justice Party statement, which states that New Belgraders’ money is wasted because the City Council has increased by two members, and now has 11, and if the city budget has returned to the normality, Shapic said “sadly not.” in addition to being 20 percent smaller than last year, when it was the smallest in history. He claims that his party got a great coalition partner: the Serbian Progressive Party, which now has seven members in the Municipal Council, and the SPAS four.

When asked if he spoke in more detail with Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić about the Belgrade elections (which should be held at the same time as the early parliamentary elections in April 2022), he answered no.

“They are relatively far away, but even if we did, I wouldn’t tell you today, it’s not too politically wise. You didn’t tell me what you discussed at school this morning,” Sapic said.

When asked when he will present the program for the Belgrade elections, he recalled that he has been dealing with local politics for 10 years, and that “the program has been written for years, that is the experience of this business”, and will present it when the elections are held. Belgrade elections.

Satisfied with the electoral conditions, he says that they are never perfect and that “we must always work to improve them”, but also to improve social conditions and healthy communication.

The participation of foreigners in inter-party dialogue is our shame

As for the inter-party dialogue, which according to the announcements should start in February or March next year, Šapić hopes it will happen, but notes that “he will not be happy if foreigners have to be mentors.”

“It is our shame. A foreigner is always welcome here, but not in that way. We must not allow foreign citizens to come to us in that regard, because it is a sure indicator that you have deep divisions and are not ready for a minimum of dialogue. I hope that we will be in a position to talk to each other without a foreign factor, “says Šapić.

When asked why the SPAS deputies did not react to the attacks in the Serbian Parliament that H1 and NovaS televisions are mercenaries and foreign traitors, he said that he does not follow the Assembly very much, but that such rhetoric is not good, that “Labeling is not good and marks an unpleasant moment behind us.” “.

He adds that, however, there are people, organizations and even the media that are financed from abroad and work directly against his country, pointing to Sonja Biserko, founder and president of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia.

I am not Aci Lukas’ guardian or father

When asked why he did not react on the program he was invited to with folk singer Aleksandar Vuksanović – Aco Lukas, who insulted N1 TV journalist Zaklina Tatalović, Šapić claimed that Tatalović was not in physical danger in his presence – “I consider women only physically weaker in relation to men, and I will never allow any woman in my presence to be in physical danger.”

He also says he’s surprised they didn’t call him to comment from TV N1 the day after the show.

He estimates that Tatalović is a political journalist, and has his private social media accounts “in which he represents some more extreme political views in relation” to the house where he works.

He notes that the singer’s performance was indecent and not very intelligent, which he later admitted, and when asked why he did not react, Šapić said that “he did not feel comfortable listening to it, but I am not his tutor or his father.”

“I think I showed that I do not belong to that form of communication and I am sorry that someone reacted like that, vulgar and rude. It was tremendously ugly and now I condemn it. I have never behaved like that and I will not,” said Shapic.

Instead of the Old Bridge, we need a new and more functional one

What kind of destination would he propose to the Old Bridge, he says, to replace it, that “it cannot be moved, it must remain in that place urbanistically”.

“It would build a new and more functional bridge. It has been hampering the development of Belgrade for 30-40-50 years. All the previous authorities would have removed it and built a new one, if there had been money,” Šapić believes.

“It is incredible for me to connect the heroic act of master (Miladin) Zaric (who saved a mined bridge from demolition during the operation to liberate Belgrade in 1944) with a dysfunctional bridge,” Shapic said, adding that he would not decide on the bridge destination through online surveys. whose representative is not, but in consultation with experts.
