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The president of the Serbian Patriotic Alliance (Spas) and the president of the municipality of New Belgrade, Aleksandar Šapić, said that he has the most knowledge, experience and results of local politics, so he believes that he could contribute more as mayor of Belgrade. , if people trust him.
However, after such an intrusive performance, few will stand ready to receive it and make a wish come true, because we are all disarmed by the blamanism and humility that Šapić exudes.
He recalled that he always advocated recommending people to the places for which they have greater competencies and that objectively have more knowledge, experience and results of local politics, and then he scored by scoring a kind of own goal trying to humiliate the rivals to their own detriment – as is often the case in Serbian politics.
– Besides all that, there are some political parties and individuals who, even in such difficult circumstances, cannot deviate from politics and score political points, even if it endangers our entire society – Šapić pointed out in an interview with “Kurir” .
He reminds us well of his walks on the balconies with the president and his equally close encounters in the cabinets, accompanied by laughter and joy, of course, without masks. What is it but duplication or expressing ourselves culturally with Shapic’s vocabulary “to politicize and score political points”, amidst the problems in the country we are fighting with?
Šapić and Vučić
Photo: Instagram @ Budućnost Srbije
Regarding further cooperation with Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, Šapić said he did not know him before, but now their relationship, which is not a frequent case in this business, is beginning to have clear traits of friendship, which makes us sick. and it is justified.
Aleksandar Šapić and Aleksandar Vučić
Photo: Printscreen Youtube / Noizz.rs
On that occasion, he follows a quick course of investing under Vučić’s skin, so that we don’t use some popular expression closer to us even now, because it has a somewhat more vulgar connotation.
– He is a man who showed me great respect for my work, and neither he nor his party ever had anything from me – Šapić said and emphasized that Vučić was always his guardian angel in some way while others harassed him.
– And not only that. They tried to belittle me, ridicule me or discredit me in an extremely perfidious way in every possible way, Šapić said.
According to him, they always did it in a covert and insidious way, because when they had the opportunity to do it face to face, then their courage was not their strong point, read: neither was he while Lukas insulted Zaklina Tatalović. He looked at the ground just as insidiously and his courage was not his strong suit either, and it is truly a blessing to us if a man with no reaction to injustice becomes mayor of Belgrade – we will go far.