Santa’s carriages on the Prokuplje promenade set on fire


One of the New Year decorations, Santa’s New Year’s carriage, on the city promenade in Prokuplje, was completely burned in the fire that broke out in the electrical installations, the City Administration announced today.

With the rapid intervention of the Prokuplje firefighters, the fire was extinguished and fortunately no one was injured, said the Municipal Administration and regretted that this incident disturbed the New Year’s atmosphere.

According to them, the fire was due to a faulty electrical installation in the decoration itself.

The city administration indicated that the company from which the defective decoration was purchased will deliver a new New Year’s carriage as soon as possible, instead of the one that was destroyed in the fire.

This announcement also disproved city stories that the fire was intentionally set.

By the way, the acquisition of public lighting was accompanied by the displeasure of some Prokupcani, from those who thought that money should not be spent on New Year decorations due to the general situation, some thought that money should be redirected to sick children in Serbia, and there were those who suspected that the decorations were overpaid.

The wagons, along with other elements of the city’s new lighting, were purchased earlier this month for around a million dinars. The Krnješevac company “DBA Light” was commissioned to purchase the New Year’s lighting and, in addition to the carriage, reindeer figures, light pine nuts and a Christmas tree were also purchased, they write. Southern News.

A few days ago, photos of sick children who need financial help to receive treatment appeared in the New Year decorations on the Prokuplje waterfront.

This is not the first incident with the New Year decorations in Prokuplje, a large Christmas tree in the center of the city was destroyed a year ago.

Then the City Administration announced that the New Year tree was intentionally destroyed by unscrupulous citizens.
