The feats of Apatin divers never end.
The latest in a series of unusual and successful efforts is today’s action in the Danube Bay near the rafts. There, the engagement ring fell from the hand of the newly engaged Sanja Perić and rolled into the water. Although her fiancé Jovan Radjenović, comforting her, promised her a new one, Sanja was desperate, because no one else could replace the one who was engaged yesterday and who has great emotional value for her.
So they decided to go to the divers for help.
– Although the water temperature is only three degrees, we decided to try to help them and return the ring, which, in addition to a significant monetary value, also has an even greater emotional value for them – explains the president of the DPA Apatin. Mile Bujić.
The search for the ring began shortly before noon and lasted about 45 minutes.
Divers Zoran Stojanović and Veljko Cvetićanin took part in the action. As the visibility was solid and the depth was about ten feet, Zoran was the first to dive, trying to locate it, diving to the bottom, with the naked eye. When that didn’t work, they switched to meredov. Veljko continued diving, but also without results.
– We have already considered giving up the search. I had a feeling that we should try again, and if it wasn’t successful, we should give up. And right on that last try, Veljko yelled, “There it is, I saw something bluish.” He took out a mered full of shells and mud and we started with the old gold panning system, sifted, that is, rinsed. We threw everything that was left on the pontoon on the pontoon and saw the ring to the general joy of everyone present: Bujić is satisfied, which was the logistical support of the two companions on the pontoon.
In addition to the satisfied bride and groom, the action was received by all the rafters from the surrounding rafts. The happiest, of course, was the future wife, Sanja Perić.
– I am very satisfied and I feel beautiful because they have returned my only real engagement ring. I must add that yesterday we didn’t even get to take photos because the ring fell into the water right away. But that’s why I managed to say “yes” before she turned around – explains a satisfied fiancee Sanja with a wide smile.
In addition to the success of the action, the divers are also pleased with the promise that they will get another new member in the spring.
– The most understanding for us was the promise of the future boyfriend that he would come to do the diver exam in spring. Since we miss young divers we were very happy to hear this. This spring, we will see if he keeps his word, Bujić commented with a smile, pleased with the successful action of the DPA Apatin members.
(Kurir.rs/J.Miljuš/Photo:DPA Apatin)

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Author: delivery courier