05/13/2020 22:11 – 05/13/2020. 23:03

Sandra Obradović, Photo: silkscreen
After the drama she experienced with her ex-partner, Sandra Obradović came to take the baby from her.
– I just found out that he keeps my son with him illegally and that he does not have a single document from the social service with which he threatened me. No social service was informed about it, nor did I give permission for my son to be taken away. I informed the police about the kidnapping and went to the apartment with them, but Vladimir’s father pushed me towards the door and forbade me to enter and take my son – Sandra said exclusively by “Hello!” Adding that she won’t move until she holds her seven-month-old baby in her arms!
– The police are currently in the department and are negotiating with Vladimir. My son cries all the time and I can’t comfort him and calm him – Sandra said tearfully, her voice trembling.

Sandra Obradović, Photo: Printscreen / Facebook
As she also told us, he forcibly kidnapped her son and, as he was told, she has no right to do so.
– We are not both married and since birth I am the only one who cares for him. I saw him in the car today, the boy is not with him. My child is being cared for by babysitters.

Sandra Obradović, Photo: Print screen