Sandra Božić ended the hunger strike – Politika


At the invitation of Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and his colleague from the parliamentary bank Aleksandar Martinović, MP for the Serbian progressive party, Sandra Božić, decided to end the hunger strike, reports H1.

Sandra Božić ended the hunger strike 1Photo: FoNet / Andjelija Stojkovic

According to H1, after announcing the information to reporters, Božić went home.

Only Martinović and Dveri’s leader Boško Obradović remained on the steps in front of the entrance to the Serbian Assembly.

As he said for H1, SNS MP Aleksandar Martinović thanked those who spontaneously gathered and asked Sandra Božić to listen to the call of the Serbian President tonight to abandon the hunger strike.

“As far as I’m concerned, I have not yet decided whether to end the hunger strike.” The decision is difficult because we did not come to perform, but we came to fight so that the prosecution finally begins to react to the fascist outbursts of Dragan Djilas, Bosko Obradovic and their thugs. Then my colleague will end the hunger strike, I will stay, “said Martinović.

In a Serbian presidential address on television, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić also called for reducing tensions and preventing violence.

It should be remembered that independent parliamentarian Miladin Sevarlic was the first to start a hunger strike in the footsteps of the Assembly on Sunday due to the non-implementation of Resolution 1244 in Kosovo and Metohija and the violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia , but today he abandoned the strike.

He was joined in support by Deputy Dveri and leader Bosko Obradovic, who is demanding the suspension of the electoral process.

Following that, Božić and Martinović started a hunger strike, demanding that the prosecution initiate proceedings against those who participated in the riots during the Dveri-organized demonstration in front of that building on Friday.

Tonight, in front of the Serbian Assembly building, the gendarmerie separated supporters of the Serbian Progressive Party and a small group of people who came to support Obradović.

Tonight, Aleksandar Vučić called on protesters in front of the Assembly, both from the ranks of the SNS and Dveri, to disperse because the coronary virus pandemic has not yet ended.

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