SANCTIONS FROM TODAY! The Crown Law enters into force, and these are the FOUR KEY NEWSPAPERS


The amendments to the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases come into effect today at 2:00 p.m.

Last night, the Assembly of Serbia approved amendments to the Law on Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases, which is a legal framework of measures and procedures in which, according to the authorities, it will better keep under control of coronavirus epidemics and prevent significant negative consequences.

What does the new law bring?

The new law defines the conditions under which vaccination against Kovid19 in Serbia could be mandatory, what communal inspectors and militiamen can do, what we will have to comply with in quarantine or isolation, if we can be punished and how much for non-compliance with the measures. powers were given to the Minister of Health and what he can decide during the epidemic.

These are the key provisions of the new Population Protection Law:

1. Mandatory vaccination and “three keywords”

One of the most important innovations is that of article 33 of the Law, and implies the possibility of introducing emergency immunization. On the day this law takes effect, vaccination may be recommended or mandatory.

It is ordered by an act of the Minister of Health, in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization, on the proposal of the Serbian Institute of Public Health and with the consent of the Republic’s Commission of Experts on Infectious Diseases.

2. New sanctions

In addition to the sanitary and communal inspection, the militia is also responsible for the implementation of penal policy for both natural and legal persons.

The amount of fines for not wearing masks inside and for not respecting physical distance will remain unchanged (5,000 dinars for individuals and 50,000 to 300,000 for legal entities), but their application will be faster and more efficient.

The law also prescribes penalties for those who refuse mandatory vaccination if it is introduced. The law also prescribes penalties for those who refuse mandatory vaccination if it is introduced.

3. Home isolation and quarantine

As “Blic” wrote, the new law establishes that home isolation is a measure that requires treatment at home and restricts the freedom of movement of patients with infectious diseases, but in whom the presence of symptoms or signs of disease has not been determined. infectious disease.

In the future, this measure will be prescribed by an infectious disease specialist or another doctor in accordance with the order of the Minister, about which he must inform the epidemiologist of the institute that is responsible for a certain territory.

The home quarantine measure will be prescribed by an epidemiology specialist from the competent institution, and the law establishes that it is a measure that restricts the freedom of movement of people and requires monitoring of the health status of healthy people who were or are You suspect that they are in contact with people infected with infectious diseases. .

Read more in the special news.
