San Nicolás is a potential CROWN BOMB, but from that date we are THREATENED with DOUBLE DANGER, this is what


The greatest glory celebrated among the Serbs is, as is well known, Saint Nicholas. This year, the current epidemiological situation demands a different celebration, and our doctors fear the weekend that is coming when this saint is celebrated. The reason is not just the crown.

Since September and the announcement of epidemiological surveillance at the borders, our crisis staff epidemiologists have been talking a lot about the threat of lighting the most celebrated crown of glory among Serbs, Saint Nicholas, on December 19.

There are several reasons for that, and one of them is not the corona itself, but the flu, which has been on an upward trajectory almost every year since that day.

This is exactly what epidemiologist and crisis staff member Predrag Kon commented a long time ago.

– It is realistic to expect that we will have kovid first and then the flu. It doesn’t have to happen, it can happen at the same time. We can assume Kovid, and the flu is usually detected in December around San Nicolás, rarely before. It depends a lot on schools and when they are on vacation. After the holidays, the students come in and the engine starts running, the biggest increase is in February and March – concluded Dr. Predrag Kon a few months ago.

That this rule has been confirmed is based on the fact that there is still no flu in our country, and a possible reason for that, according to some experts, is the use of a mask by the crown, which directly affected the reduction of other viruses respiratory like flu. The epidemiologist Predrag Kon also spoke about that.

He says the flu situation is “fantastic” and “is nowhere.” For now.

– It is logical that they suppress viruses when the corona weakens to find its place. The season will move. There is adenovirus, parainfluenza. Everyone will come after this. That’s a high probability – says Kon.

However, like everything, it actually starts mainly from mid-December, that is why the celebration of Saint Nicholas is an epidemiological double bomb that could be fatal for the spread of both the crown and other dangerous respiratory infections.

Predrag Kon

Photo: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Predrag Kon

Speaking yesterday about the celebrations and challenges of the weekend, as far as Saint Nicholas Con is concerned, he says that the Crisis Staff also reflects different opinions among the people.

– In this situation, it is clear that everything is in the hands of some conscience. I wish that all who celebrate celebrate their patron in the most peaceful way possible. Every celebration should be such that there is no infection, says Dr. Kon.

He pointed out that the culmination when it comes to the virus is behind us, but that the culmination when it comes to the behavior of our people is yet to come – first on the list of landmine crowns is the glory of Saint Nicholas.

Kon: 15% will not follow the recommendations

– We have investigated the situation well and have estimated that 15% will not respect the recommendations on mutual visits. Glory must be celebrated, especially now, so that the saint protects the home, but in this celebration it is important to think more about the family members if they are not there. It is also important to accept reality – said Kon for Kurir TV.

He also mentioned that he hopes that the citizens invited to the celebration will reject the invitations and that the hosts will apologize for not inviting the guests.

– I hope that 85% of the hosts of the celebration behave appropriately – concluded the epidemiologist.

There is no member of the crisis medical staff who has not expressed fear in the previous period that the celebration of Saint Nicholas could cost us, mainly its closed space, congestion, crowds, but also speaking out loud.

Ana Brnabić

Photo: Sava Radovanović / Tanjug

Ana Brnabić

– It can be seen that the crown exploded in Zrenjanin and Pancevo, it is probably consequence and glory that we had, that is why we have a great request for Saint Nicholas to celebrate in the family circle, without large gatherings. We cannot enter people’s houses and count how many there are, the Constitution does not allow it, but I ask people to be disciplined and thus help ourselves and the health system that is trying to fight the virus – said the Prime Minister as a guest on TV Pink. .

What has somehow been avoided with the new Crisis Staff measures are the arrivals of our citizens from abroad, who are more used to coming just before this celebration since they celebrate as appropriate to their country.

Therefore, crisis staff have introduced mandatory PCR testing for our citizens, and for those who do not want to be tested, a ten-day quarantine is mandatory. However, in addition to our citizens, a big problem in the coming days could be the indifference of the young.

Thus, the director of KBC Bežanijska kosa, Marija Zdravković, points out that the corona virus is transmitted very easily from person to person and that a large number of people were infected in celebrations and similar gatherings.

– We have this young generation that must understand how important it is that their behavior is correct and how necessary it is to be disciplined at some point for this chain of transmission to break. Most of the people who came to the hospital and are lying down with a moderate or severe clinical picture were at a celebration or contracted the virus from their relatives, explains Zdravković.
