Samples of the Sputnik vaccine have already arrived, we are studying the documentation for Pfizer (KURIR TELEVIZIJA)


Pavle Zelic from the Drug Agency is a guest on Hot Days on Kurir Television.

The Medicines Agency has received documentation from several companies for the registration of a new kovid vaccine in Serbia. When can you expect the vaccine to be approved? What does it say in the papers presented? Will Serbia be one of the first countries in the world to carry out vaccination?

photo: Courier

– It is important that everything is clear. The Pfizer vaccine documentation has arrived, tens of thousands of pages, all development from the early stages, and we expect the same from the Sputnik vaccine. Samples have already arrived. It is important that we begin the procedure. This is a great privilege and prestige, to be seen by Serbian experts. Many European countries are awaiting the decision of the EU agency, says Zelic.

– One thing is what companies say and another thing to check. We will do our best to be as effective as possible without compromising any segment, until we are sure that licensed vaccines are effective and safe.

– I would like to highlight the work of our national laboratory. We want to see that the vaccine that has reached us is safe. We must convince citizens that vaccination is necessary and that vaccines are safe.

How is it possible to find a vaccine so quickly?

-Vaccines have not started development since the beginning of this year, but there have been platforms due to previous epidemics, and the development of new vaccines is based on existing research. We talk about various types of approaches and different ways of doing. That shouldn’t scare us, although there has always been fear of people in all the newspapers. But this is proof that our civilization is capable of coping with a pandemic like this. The entire scientific community is working to defeat the pandemic.

photo: Courier

Have counterfeit vaccines appeared?

– That’s very worrying. This situation also allowed criminal groups to earn money with people’s fear, at the time when hope for drugs appeared. It’s terribly dangerous, we hope he’s not with us and that we prevent something like this from happening.

– The masks are not one hundred percent protection, but you have to be careful, now the night is the darkest, and we hope that the vaccines give hope at this time. The epidemic will not stop easily.

When could mass vaccination begin?

Now we are working on coordinating the entire health system, which aims to fully immunize us next year. Everyone who has symptoms should be isolated, and when it comes to PCR testing, the correct answer is that rapid tests are not reliable. And these are not tests or drugs from the Internet. In no way should you use such things on your own. But the vaccine will not be effective in general if there are many citizens who do not want to be vaccinated and then the coverage is lower. In the case of the crown, we will not force citizens to get vaccinated by force, but everyone should be as responsible as possible.


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