Salary increase for workers in Serbia



01.09.2020. 12:52 – 01.09.2020. 13:00

Government representatives came out today with a proposal that the minimum wage increase ranges from four to six percent, and employers say they are willing to commit to the minimum in 2021, but so that this growth does not jeopardize the business business in Serbia, he said. Union of Employers of Serbia.

Money, payment, counter

Money, payment, counter, Photo: Tanjug / Filip Krainčanić

The current low is around 30,300 dinars, which would mean that the government is offering a raise. 1,200 to 1,800 dinars and that the minimum in 2021 could be between 31,500 and 32,100 dinars.

Employers say they will consider the proposal with full attention, willing to compromise, but not at any cost and not in a way that jeopardizes the normal operation of the business.

“The Employers Union believes that it is possible to increase the minimum labor price to six percent, which is the expected growth of gross domestic product in 2021, provided that the additional measures facilitate the business of the company.”

These additional measures are an increase in the non-taxable part of wages from 16,000 to 19,000, as well as a reduction in taxes and contributions on wages.

The Union is convinced that such an increase would contribute to the improvement of the situation of the employees, but in a way that does not endanger the business of the company and, therefore, the work of the employees whose rights we protect in this way. says UPS director and participant in those negotiations Srdjan Drobnjakovic.


UPS claims that they began negotiations on the minimum price of labor with the desire to reach a sustainable solution, which respects the understandable desire of the union to increase wages, but also the real situation of the economy that was hit by the kovid19 pandemic.

We continue goodwill negotiations to reach a compromise, but also with a clear position that any agreement that endangers the company’s business, endangers jobs and therefore makes negotiations aimed at improving the position of employees is unacceptable, “they say in UPS. -or.

As they say, the union representatives started the negotiations with a request to increase the minimum price of labor to 37,000 dinars, which is unacceptable from the employers’ point of view.

UPS recalls that in its research conducted before the conversations on the price of labor, up to 85 percent of companies estimated that there is no room for any increase in the minimum wage, due to the business crisis caused by the current pandemic. .
