SAINT NICHOLAS IS VERY CLOSE, APPEALS NO LONGER MEAN: Dramatic words from Dr. Janković, the situation is alarming


– The situation is getting worse compared to the previous days. For now, we are coping well, all the hospitals in southern Serbia have become kovid hospitals. We are currently at the upper limit when it comes to capabilities, there are very difficult patients here. It is quite dramatic, the clinical pictures of the patients are very difficult, they all require intensive support. We have opened intensive care in Leskovac, Kruševac, Paraćin – said Dr. Janković.

He noted that the doctors’ appeals no longer make sense at this point, and that it is time for more restrictive measures.

– You must have the appropriate measures when the patient’s consciousness is not at the level. Through carelessness and irresponsibility, we get the people around us in trouble. It may be too late for more serious measures in regards to this intensity of the epidemic, but if we do not want to get into an even bigger problem, we have to do something, San Nicolás is very close – he said and added.

Dr. Radmilo Janković / Photo by J. Ćosin

– Appeals no longer make sense. There must be understanding for everyone, but this is a serious attack on the healthcare system. Now it is impossible to control how kovid enters health facilities. This torment that we are going through is the result of everything that happened before that – noted Dr. Janković.

He stated that the situation in Nis is becoming more complicated.

– The new thing is that we receive patients from Belgrade. If necessary, we will empty another floor. We can keep the situation under control for a few more days, but it is very complicated – he said.

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