Saint Demetrius was a rebel among the saints, our people believe that today we should not do THESE things



08.11.2020. 06:48 – 08.11.2020. 07:19

Today, the Serbian Orthodox Church celebrates the feast of Saint Demetrius of Thessaloniki, popularly known as Mitrovdan, in memory of the suffering and death of this saint. It is celebrated by Serbs, Russians and Greeks. The belief says that we stay at home.

Holy great martyr Demetrius

Holy Great Martyr Dimitrije, Photo: RAS

He ended his earthly life in dungeon in 306 as a fighter for the Christian faith, and he remained the Duke of Thessalonica until the end of his life.

Dimitrije was born in Thessaloniki in the 3rd century during the reign of Emperor Maximilian (240-310), who made him duke, awaiting his loyalty in the persecution of Christians. When he received an order from the emperor to persecute Christians, he paid no attention to it, but publicly preached Christianity.

The emperor was informed of the disobedience of Demetrius, who converted the people to Christianity. Dimitrije publicly admitted to the emperor that he had received the faith of Christ, which is why the emperor imprisoned him. He was tortured and executed in jail.

According to legend, he was killed in the prison cell by soldiers, who found him praying. Spears were thrown at him from a distance, because they were not allowed to approach him. The Thessalonian Christians secretly buried him and later a church was built on his grave site. Saint Demetrius was proclaimed patron of the city of Thessalonica.


This day is also known for the fact that the hajduks parted at that time to overwinter in the hideouts and meet again next year on St George’s Day. This is how the motto was created: Mitrovdanak – farewell of the hajduk and Đurđevdanak – meeting of the hajduk.

If by chance it snows on November 8, it is said that Saint Demetrius arrived on a white horse, and it is believed that the snow cover will last until April. If it is cloudy, a warm winter awaits us, and if it is clear, according to popular belief, the coming winter is harsh. In Serbia, there is also a belief that young children should not be scolded in Mitrovdan, no matter how wrong or rude, because they are supposed to be naughty all year long.

Villagers of Šumadija have been placing pebbles (stones) in every corner of the room in Mitrovdan for a long time to protect them from mice. Women do not touch the spindle, combs, and scissors on this day.


Church writings state that Saint Demetrius appeared many times and saved the city from earthquakes and accidents. Even today, the miraculous power of his relics is believed to have healed many sick people.

It is also believed to help anyone who invokes its name. According to folklore and the lives of the saints, Dimitrije’s tomb exuded basil and myrrh, which is why the saint was called Mirotočivi.

The cult of Saint Demetrius is also very much alive among Serbs, and in medieval Serbia many temples were dedicated to him, including the church in the Peja Patriarchate and the chapel in the Visoki Decani monastery.

Saint Demetrius is represented in the frescoes of medieval monasteries among the holy warriors who preached and fought for the Christian faith. One of the most beautiful performances of Saint Demetrius is in Kosovo and Metohija, in the Decani monastery, whose founders are Stefan Decanski (Serbian king from 1321-1331) and Tsar Dusan (1308-1355). The saint is represented in a warrior’s outfit with a shield and helmet, along with Saint George.

In the Serbian church, more than 120 temples are dedicated to Saint Demetrius, among which is the new church in the Belgrade municipality of New Belgrade.
