Tonight, the chairman of the city’s Election Commission in Sabac, Budimir Pavlović, told H1 that SNS activists and leaders in Sabac were physically preventing members of the city’s electoral commission from leaving the room they were in. sitting down.
According to him, the GIK representatives informed the police about everything, but the police did not go out into the field until then.
According to Pavlović, the activists interrupted the GIK session and verbally confronted members of the electoral commission, refusing to leave the city administration hall.
As we learned, about a hundred SNS activists and leaders gathered in front of the city administration building.

Vera Palinkaš, member of the Election Commission of the city of Šabac confirmed them for Nova.rs that members of the SNS broke into the GIK facilities, interrupted the session and thus impeded its work. According to her information, the police did not attend at the invitation of the commission members, although they did on four occasions.
The Sabac City Administration, where the City Electoral Commission is located, is surrounded.
The SNS mayoral candidate led the force to seize power.#Sabacpic.twitter.com/ViQYxad0IK– Dejan Petrovic (@bircuz)October 6, 2020
He managed to get out of the GIK building, but the male members, he says, remained inside.
“We had a committee tonight, where we were supposed to decide on some objections because the elections in five polling stations had not ended. We set a deadline until 3pm tomorrow to make decisions, but when they found out, the members from SNS at GIK decided to go on a hunger strike, “said Palinkas.
Palinkaš said that everything was entered in the minutes and that they decided to pack up and leave the building.
Zelenovic: SNS members keep us “in custody”
Sabac Mayor Nebojsa Zelenovic told Nova.rs that members of the SNS, led by Aleksandar Pajic, broke into the GIK and disrupted the session.
“A group of criminals led by Aleksandar Pajić broke into the session of the City Election Commission (GIK) tonight and interrupted it. They broke in just before the end of the session. The female members of the electoral commission left the premises, while that the male part was not allowed to leave the building, “he said. Zelenovic.
Tonight, progressives broke into Gik’s session in Šabac with criminals.
Police do not respond to calls https://t.co/vLz9V8qyd2– Nebojsa Zelenovic (@gradonacelnikSa)October 6, 2020
The mayor of Sabac added that the police had also been called, but had not yet arrived.
“I called the police chief twice and he did not answer. I hope the police will come soon to prevent this lawlessness,” Zelenović continued.
He added that he did not know that members of the SNS, who are members of the GIK, went on a hunger strike and asked for common sense.
“I hope that everything goes well and that there are no conflicts,” concluded Zelenović for Nova.rs.