SAA: SNS deputies and officials commanded hooligans in front of the Assembly


The Freedom and Justice Party condemned the incident outside the parliament building on Monday night, in which Serbian Progressive Party activists attacked a woman and accused progressive officials of “commanding the hooligans” in front of the Serbian Parliament.

“Groups of hooligans who climb our rooftops at night, light torches and play insulting fan songs from the loudspeakers, this time sent Vučić to the front of the Assembly to threaten and beat anyone who publicly disagrees with the regime that he is willing to sacrifice people’s health to stay in power, “SAA said in a statement.

The party stated that these “hooligans” were commanded by SNS MP Vladimir Đukanović, then members of the Main Board Bratislav Jugović and Damir Handanović, as well as by municipal officials from Zvezdara, Rakovica and Vračar.

“The order to end the hunger strike, as well as the breakup of the assembled hooligans, was issued by Aleksandar Vučić, who once again demonstrated that he is personally responsible for the verbal and physical violence that his followers have been committing against the Serbian citizens for eight years. ” , It is added.
