SAA: Instead of doctors, the epidemic is handled by Gasic and State Security? – politics


Stating that the BIA informed him that the Kovidom pandemic would not end soon and that based on such information obtained from state security, he made decisions on measures to fight the crown, Aleksandar Vučić definitively confirmed that he no longer has the ability to serve as President of Serbia. today the Party of Freedom and Justice.

SAA: Instead of doctors, Gasic and State Security handle the epidemic?  1Photo: FoNet_Ministarstvo_odbrane_Srbije_vod

“Instead of the measures and plans being made based on the opinions of health experts and the recommendations of the World Health Organization, in our country they are being made based on the information provided by the BIA “. Instead of doctors fighting for the crown in Serbia, Bratislav Gasic and members of the state security are fighting !?

The SAA noted that the number of infected people has risen to nearly 3,000 a day and the state is taking no action.

“It does not close the nightclubs, but it silences the music in them, the children go to school, the buses are full. When the number of infected was in double digits, they imprisoned us 80 hours and those over 65 45 days. It seems that the BIA does not have data that the number of infected approaches 3,000, Gasic did not inform Vučić of that, so there are no measures and we are approaching a catastrophe. If it is from Vučić, it is too much! “- se it says in the SAA ad.

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