SAA in a letter to crisis staff doctors: Declare yourself until it is too late


The presidency of the Freedom and Justice Party sent an open letter to the Crisis Staff doctors, urging them to say clearly if the epidemiological situation, in which around 50 people die every day and thousands of people are infected, is such that the entire Catering work must be allowed. objects without restrictions.

The letter notes that in recent days social media has been flooded with disturbing video footage of numerous “crown parties”, with hundreds of people present at exclusive Belgrade clubs owned by people close to the current regime.

“In these recordings it is obvious that the epidemiological measures you prescribed are not respected, work hours are not respected, there is no prescribed physical distance, masks are not used and the music is not turned off, that is, there is direct physical contact between the women. people, “the SAA said.

The same clubs in Belgrade, the party notes, announce New Year’s Eve with food, drinks and music, and it is completely, as they say, epidemiologically clear, regardless of whether it happens officially from 3 pm to 8 pm, and unofficially until the early hours. . any time is allowed, because time is irrelevant, contacts are important.

“The authorities don’t react because they can’t. Do you? Do you say every day that you have to avoid contacts, that you have to wear masks, that the atmosphere of the café with music is equal to suicide when it comes to contagion, that the system health is about to explode, “he added. the SAA warned.

As a healthcare professional, you have a great responsibility in the days ahead. Declare on the basis of knowledge and conscience until it is too late, the citizens of Serbia expect and deserve it, the letter concludes.
