According to our information, should also remain in the chair Nenad Popović, who until now was the minister without portfolio in charge of innovations and technological development, and around whose place the spears were broken. According to our source, during the agreement on the continuation of cooperation, he received warnings to “jump” less than the course set by the government and not to make statements contrary to official policy, which he used to do in the previous term. But the final decision has yet to be made.
The other minister without a portfolio is probably Novica Toncev of the SPS. His responsibilities are still being formulated, but he will probably deal with regional development, which has been within the purview of Milan Krkobabic until now, and who will now be the Minister of the Villa.
According to the “calendar”, ministers are to be sworn in before parliament on Wednesday. Prime Minister-designate Ana Brnabić said on Monday that the main goal of the new government is a better quality of life for citizens:
– The government is an indicator of how much we listen to the people, how much we, despite the fact that we regain the trust of the citizens with the list “Aleksandar Vucic – For our children”, I heard that many things must be changed, that we must change some ministers, although they worked well, so that new energy arrived.
Brnabić pointed out that the SNS is the only party that is constantly changing and that it is not afraid to invest in young people, and that the proposal that Gordana Čomić be Vučić minister “opened doors and windows for dialogue.”
Ivica Dačić’s “move” from the Government to the position of Speaker of Parliament attracted the most attention. Although it was interpreted by some as a decrease in the strength of the SPS, the socialist leader reiterated on Monday that “he did not take refuge in the Assembly”, but was doing a job that he and Vucic thought “it would be better” for him to do.
The EQUALIZATION of the relatives of President Aleksandar Vučić with Šarić, Kosmajc, Bojović is an attempt at dehumanization and criminalization, so that the president of the state becomes a legitimate target.
This was announced on Monday by the president and SNS official, Ana Brnabić, commenting that some media illustrated the story about the fight against organized crime with photographs of President Vučić, his brother and son, along with photos of some organized crime actors .
Brnabic said that “the media mogul’s campaign has never been so monstrous, that no one expected such an attack” and that they “also surprised her.”
SNS Vice President Miloš Vučević also assessed that the “increasingly brutal” attacks against the President of Serbia and his family were not accidental, and that a new persecution against him began as soon as he announced that the state would begin to combat the crime.
Vučević stated that, according to the well-coordinated scenario, they began to target mobile members of Vučić’s family, putting them in contact with convicted tycoons and drug traffickers, adding that, as he said, a dangerous atmosphere was created on televisions tycoons, like the one that preceded the assassination of Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic.
– Everything that is being done in the formation of the government is being done with the purpose of a strategic agreement for 2022, that is, a united appearance of socialists and progressives in the Belgrade, parliamentary and presidential elections. Elections are waiting for the country, and there are several diseases here, one of which is myopia.
By mentioning myopia, Dacic probably meant that regardless of how he appears to be on the defensive, in less than a year and a half, he will again have the opportunity to “raise the stakes.” In the presidential elections, his support for Vučić could be a weight in the balance that would break the result of the vote in the first round. Furthermore, the socialists could play an important role in the Belgrade elections, where the opposition sees its great opportunity. However, the Šapić factor should not be lost sight of here either, which could be very important in the battle for the mandates in the Old Palace and will probably be part of the same “package”. It has been speculated that the SPAS leader could also be a joint coalition candidate for mayor of the capital.
MAJA Gojković, Marija Obradović, Radomir Dmitrović, Branislav Nedimović and Milan Krkobabić resigned from their positions because they continue their work in the executive branch. The board of directors also took note of the resignations of SNS deputies Miloš Vučević, Dalibor Radičević, Nebojša Marjanović and Jasmina Palurović.
The distribution of mandates in the new government also opened the question of internal relations in the SPS. Many have noticed in the public, but also in the party itself, that, at least according to unofficial information, ministerial posts are destined for Branko Ruzic and Novica Toncev, who have been considered potential rivals to Dacic as party chairman for years. By the way, Ruzic, in addition to the education department, will also get the role of first deputy prime minister. Those familiar with the situation in the SPS, however, recall that even though they often jumped out of official politics, and even got into conflict with progressives, neither Ruzic nor Toncev openly “hit” Dacic at any time, and the socialist leader always managed to accommodate them in his plans.
Through the SPS, some analysts “broke” the direction of Serbian foreign policy, claiming that fewer ministries and a special removal of their energy sector staff could mean moving away from Russia. However, while Antic will not be in charge of energy, he should get the post of director of the “Serbian Corridor”. Furthermore, Dacic confirmed on Monday that Dusan Bajatovic is still in charge of “Srbijagas”, so it seems that the stories about “energy diversification” in the government, however, were only speculation. At the same time, as we have learned, the SPS will retain the position of director of “Srbijasum”.
With the new distribution of ministerial functions in the government, Serbia has entered the top 10 countries with the best balance in terms of gender equality and in the executive branch, according to Bloomberg, stating that half the government is made up of women. In addition to Prime Minister Ana Brnabić, Andjelka Atanasković (economy), Maja Popović (justice), Irena Vujović (ecology), Gordana Čomić (social dialogue), Marija Obradović (state administration), Maja Gojković (culture), Zorana Mihajlović will also be present. in Nemanjina 11. (energy), Jadranka Joksimović (EU), Darija Kisić Tepavčević (paper) and Tatjana Matić (trade).
By the way, this is the government with the highest number of women since the introduction of multi-party politics in Serbia. Of the more than 300 people who passed through all the governments, only 42 were ministers. Before this government, most of the ministers, up to seven, were during the second cabinet of Mirko Marjanovic from 1998 to 2000.
Political analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic says that the government that should be formed on Wednesday is a “continuation” of the previous ones, but also “the basis of a new one, after the extraordinary parliamentary elections of 2022, when the SNS most likely will return. to play a dominant role “:
– Six goals were proclaimed before the outgoing government, and it will be before the one that will come in 2022.
Andjelkovic believes that the Socialists got as much as they get based on the number of seats won in parliament:
– Their representation is less, so the number of ministerial positions has changed, but they got a very important position of President of the Assembly, which somehow compensates for part of the losses within the executive branch.
Bojan Klačar, CEO of CeSID, says that the composition of Ana Brnabić’s new cabinet can play an important role in the dialogue and quell the polarizations that exist. Apart from the role that Gordana Comic could play in that, Klacar points out that “it is important that Dacic is at the head of parliament, who undoubtedly has the capacity, knowledge and political experience to adequately assume the part of responsibility that corresponds to parliament. “:
– For all that to happen, there must be a very clear political disposition on both sides, the ruling party and the opposition, sincere intentions and certain principles that they would agree on at this stage – says Klačar.

Branko Ruzic’s farewell lunch with associates
MINISTER OF STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION Branko Ruzic said goodbye to a lunch with his team on Monday. He said “it is easier to overcome challenges with a great team” and said he is honored to be the head of MDULS, who worked hard for three and a half years.
CANDIDATE to the Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs, Darija Kisić Tepavčević, said that the task of each individual, regardless of the work in which they are involved, should be to fight the corona virus.
You answered the question what will be the biggest challenges in the department you are taking on:
– We are doing all our work in light of the pandemic. That should be the task of all of us, no matter what scientific functions we have. The role of each of us is to prevent infection and transmit it further, Kisić told TV Prva.
He affirmed that the ministry he takes on covers nursing homes, where the greatest danger is that the virus spreads, where the infection can generate a real fire.
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