Ruzic: crisis staff on the organization and way of working in schools


The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, Branko Ružić, stated that the crisis staff will consider the need for an organization of educational work in schools different from that envisaged.

The announcement from the Ministry of Education notes that educational work in schools is organized according to the Educational Work Calendar, which provides for the fall break for primary school students from November 11 to 13.

According to the Calendar, the first business day for elementary students should be Monday, November 16.

According to the calendar, the autumn holidays are not planned for high school students, as well as for primary and secondary schools in the territory of AP Vojvodina.

“Due to the current epidemiological situation, the Crisis Staff will consider the need for a different organization of educational work in elementary and secondary schools. Teaching in schools will be organized in the best interest of students and employees,” Ruzic said.

He emphasized that in this situation, the first and most important task is the safety and protection of the health of students, students and employees in educational institutions. Ruzic assessed that the educational system, in addition to the health system, is the one that bears the greatest burden and that educators have demonstrated a high level of professionalism and responsibility in the application of the protection measures established during the epidemic.

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