Russian scientists solve a 112-year-old mystery: this is what happened in SIBERIA in 1908 (VIDEO) | Interesting data


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May 06, 2020. 00:19 |

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The object’s entry into Earth’s atmosphere caused an explosion that, according to some data, can be compared to the explosion of the most powerful thermonuclear bomb.

Russian scientists have discovered the secret of the Tunguska explosion in Siberia, which occurred in 1908. There was no meteorite fall to Earth, the researchers explained in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society magazine.. It was an asteroid.

According to scientists, a huge iron asteroid between 100 and 200 meters passed through Earth’s atmosphere at an altitude of 10 to 15 kilometers, and the speed of movement was approximately 20 kilometers per second.

Scientists believe that the object could not consist of stone or ice, because its weak force, unlike iron, leads to the rapid destruction of such bodies when they move in the atmosphere.

Photo: Wikipedia

If the asteroid was made of iron, it could preserve its structure and return to space.

The Tunguska phenomenon occurred in 1908 near the Podkamena Tunguska River over a forest area in a remote part of eastern Siberia. The reason was the appearance of a hypothetical celestial body, which is presumed to be a comet.

The object’s entry into Earth’s atmosphere caused an explosion that, according to some data, can be compared to the explosion of the most powerful thermonuclear bomb.

Photo: Wikipedia

The explosion was heard 800 kilometers from the epicenter, and the explosive wave destroyed the forests in an area of ​​2,000 square kilometers.

