RUSSIAN PATRIARCH ON THE DEATH OF THE METROPOLITAN: His name will always be connected in history with the spiritual rebirth of Montenegro


On behalf of the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as on his own behalf, Patriarch Kiril sent a letter to Serbian Patriarch Irinej and to the Serbian Orthodox Church.

He referred to the life of the Metropolitan, as well as the role he played in the fight for the preservation of the saints in Montenegro.

– The Lord Jesus Christ called himself an exceptional hierarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, whose name in history will be forever associated with the spiritual rebirth of Montenegro after a long era of worship, an unprecedented tireless struggle to save the peaceful saints and preserve the unity of the people of God in the lot of the saints Saint Basil of Ostrog. and Peter of Cetinje, it is stated in the letter of the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia.

The Russian patriarch said that in his praying memory, Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the coastline will remain “like a lamp, alight and shining, as a gifted theologian and an inspired preacher, a fearless defender of the Holy Church of Christ before strong centuries. “.

– I pray for the rest of the teacher just represented in the villages of the righteous and there is no sickness, no pain, no sighs, but life is infinite – Patriarch Kiril wrote.

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