Russian doctor Aleksandra treats Serbs with free crown, and this is what she says about the vaccine against this virus (VIDEO)



12.12.2020. 17:31

In the midst of the pandemic, the coronavirus wanted to come to Serbia and help our patients

Lazanski and Dr. Gusak

Lazanski and Dr. Gusak, Photo: Printscreen / Instagram

As the bureaucracy prevented him, he decided to help the Serbs for free in Moscow. Meanwhile, Russian doctor Aleksandra Gusak, who is studying in Serbia and wants to return, has received the Russian “Sputnik ve” vaccine. Dragana Biberović told in Moscow about the fight against the virus in the clinic, about the personal losses due to the corona and the vaccine. In pure Serbian.

Alexandra Gusak said her clinic was one of three in Moscow where the clinical research, which is still ongoing, took place.

He received the first dose of the vaccine in late September, and then the second dose in 21 days, in late October.

– I was tired for a day or two and in the place of the bite I felt as if something was tingling me, I had no temperature. Some colleagues had the feeling of having survived the express covid, in one or two days. The second dose was nothing, as if he had received water – said the Russian doctor.

Aleksandra Gusak works with kovid patients, makes home visits. Its branch of the health center receives about a thousand calls in a day.

– We are all committed, we have doctors on duty, the UKT center has reopened, we are trying to fight, but I hope that after the vaccination immunity is created, which will be better – said the Moscow doctor.

Aleksandra Gusak came to Serbia through a student exchange in 2014, to Nis.

– I have to thank Nis orthopedics, they created me to be a doctor – Alexandra pointed out.

In March, there was an invitation for doctors and a “Point of Return” program, through which the Serbian government invited doctors and nurses from abroad to come to Serbia and help during the epidemic. Alexandra wanted to come, but due to the procedure she couldn’t.

– I have Serbian and Russian license, but I only have Russian passport. It was a problem for me to come because I am a foreigner, I am Russian. Now I am in contact with the embassy, ​​any Serb in Moscow who does not have the proper papers and insurance, can contact me through the embassy, ​​they have my contact, I will examine it for free. I have an Instagram account ‘Russian doctor’, I review the findings there, I advise you, I answer questions – said Aleksandra Gusak.

Alexandra Gusak says that now everything in Moscow has opened, but she expects new closings for the New Year.

– St. Petersburg is closing, cafes and museums will not work. We have meetings for the holidays every year, but this year there will be no meetings, said the Moscow doctor.

According to him, the measures were not respected before, especially during the summer.

– But now you can’t enter the subway without a mask and gloves, we have drivers who watch and the fines are high – Aleksandra says.

He believes that people should take the pandemic seriously.

– Everyone has the right to an opinion, but I worked with patients, many were seriously ill, many were dying. My grandmother died of covid in the hospital, my mother was sick, I know doctors who were sick. People also have to think of others – noted Aleksandra Gusak.
