“Rural tourism can be the Serbian sea”


Belgrade – Rural tourism in Serbia has preconditions for prosperous development.

Source: Tanjug

Photo: Depositphotos / djangosupertramp

Photo: Depositphotos / djangosupertramp

Furthermore, it can be a source to supplement the budget of an agricultural farm, but also a lucrative and creative family business, states today’s announcement by the Cabinet of Ministers without a portfolio in charge of the regional development of Milan Krkobabic.

According to available data, more than 1,000 family farms engaged in rural tourism in Serbia earn almost ten percent of our country’s total income from tourism, and interest in staying in rural households is growing year after year, according to the statement. after consultations with the co-president of the National Team. rebirth of the Serbian village Krkobabić and academic Dragan Škorić, with Professor Nada Vidić, a senior expert in that field.

As an investment model for returnees from abroad, Krkobabic recommended joining together for greater effect.

“Healthy and tasty food, mostly organically produced, homemade items, fruit of old and new handicrafts, the promotion of cultural, historical and natural heritage, together with the famous hospitality of our hosts, are part of the recognizable advantages in the fierce competition for domestic and especially foreign guests, he said.

He added that income would increase by joining specialized agricultural and tourism cooperatives that, on behalf of these households, will take care of all organizational, financial and promotional activities.

“It is not pretentious to say that rural tourism can be the Serbian sea,” said Krkobabic.

Rural or rural tourism is a complex type of tourism, because it integrates all types of tourism in rural areas, such as agrotourism, agriculture, culture, wine, gastronomy, the garden, crafts, camping, hunting , fishing, events (music, literature, cinema), ethno. tourism, mountain, lake, river, it is stated in the advertisement.

It is added that in protected, natural and cultural areas, cycling, mountaineering and numerous other forms of recreational tourism are offered.

The base of the tourist offer in rural tourism is in diversity because there are plains, hills, mountains, rivers, lakes and other areas with preserved original nature, exceptional recreational properties, and Serbia has a rich rural cultural heritage with traditional ethnic characteristics. of the rural population.

As roadmaps for the development of rural tourism, Professor Vidic cites the tourist village of Zlakusa, Terzića Avlija, the Staro Selo Sirogojno open-air museum, Kapetan Mišin Breg, but also farms in Vojvodina, Krajina and other wineries, a number growing ethno villages and ethno rural events.

Academician Škorić highlights western Serbia as a successful region, where several hundred households maintain their existence in rural tourism, and highlights Drvengrad, who was proclaimed the best ethno-architectural achievement in Europe several years ago.

“In our country, there are many interesting areas without a single hotel, and without accommodation facilities in the local industry, and that opens up a real opportunity for interested returnees to invest their own funds, with full understanding and support from governments. state and local, “he says. The national team for the rebirth of Serbian peoples announced in a statement.

They also estimate that the investment to deal with rural tourism, mainly with those who already have facilities and other resources, amounts to 10,000-15,000 euros.

“The national team for the revival of rural villages in Serbia proposes to all those who are interested in investing in rural tourism to register an agricultural farm and then join a specialized agricultural and tourist cooperative,” the statement read. .
