RUNNING IN FRONT OF ORE: Zorana Mihajlović congratulated Biden on his win


Although both Trump and Biden declared victory, Zorana Mihajlović decided to send congratulations to the Democratic candidate. Furthermore, the minister obviously decided for herself when she should congratulate the winner of the presidential elections in the United States, because until now it has not been the practice for ministers to send congratulations, but to the president of Serbia.

Therefore, Zorana MIjjlović cannot send congratulations to other presidents on behalf of Serbia, and this is obviously an indicator of when the minister “applauded” the US sources.

He posted a photo of Biden and future US Vice President Kamala Harris on his Instagram, with a message that read:

– The United States of America got the president from the Democrats – Joe Biden. And as the great Mahatma Gandhi said: The spirit of democracy cannot be imposed from outside. It must grow from within people. But the United States also has a vice president. Because victory is female! It is important that in the years we dedicate to the fight for gender equality, another woman wins a significant political office.

Mihajlovic added that she believes that Kamala Harris, as the first vice president in US history, guided by democratic principles, will contribute to a better position for women.

– Because it is a democracy – an egalitarian society in which citizens have the same opportunities to achieve what they want – said Zorana Mihajlović.

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