RUNJO HIT HIS WIFE IN A CAR: Nilović was the target of an attack in a cafe in Vračar, and last night he hit his wife on the head.


Nilovic was taken to the police after he was reported for domestic violence.

Nilovic reportedly had an argument last night with his single wife, whom he hit on the head several times. She allegedly retaliated and he continued to threaten the woman.

According to, after learning of the case, a MUP employee in charge of domestic violence spoke with the woman. The woman had no visible injuries, she did not want to file a criminal complaint against her single husband or start any process.

Photo: Printskrin

The Social Work Center and the prosecutor on duty were informed of everything. According to the prosecutor’s assessment, there were no elements of a criminal act, so Miloš Nilović was warned about the consequences of violating the law on domestic violence.

Nilovic was released from the police station after the conversation.

Let us remind you that Miloš Nilović, aka Runjo, is known to the police for various criminal acts and cooperation with people from the criminal environment.

In December 2018, he was in a cafe on Kajmakcalanska Street in the company of Vlado Popovic, named Pop, when he was killed.

Also, in the middle of this year, he was the target of a gunman in a Vracar cafe.

The police find out that criminal individuals and groups do not exist and will not be protected by the law for any crime or offense.

The Ministry of the Interior calls on all women to report domestic violence.


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