RULES OF PARANOIA IN AMERICA: A Serb From San Francisco Reveals The Real Mood Among The People Due To The Elections


I almost took out some ammunition, the man in front of me bought a crossbow. Imagine the level of paranoia. I laughed, but people are really worried and scared.

This is how a prominent member of the Serbian diaspora, San Francisco lawyer Dušan Pavlović, comments on the current environment in the United States.

He adds that tensions in California are very high, that in the center of the city, headquarters of the American film and television industry, most of the windows are closed with wooden barriers, because the owners fear riots during the protest .

It’s comforting for those who live here that Biden is leading, and if Trump wins, we will surely have major riots. This is a traditionally liberal Hollywood setting that Trump doesn’t like. “They have the view that all the people who support Trump are ignorant, stupid and do not respect science,” says Pavlović, recalling that California has been “democratic” for the past 30 years, with about 80 percent of those votes.

Pavlović has been living in America for 25 years, came as a graduate, after winning a green card in the lottery, finished criminology in Kansas, and then went on to graduate school at California Law School. She got a job at the Sanata Barbara City Attorney’s Office and quickly moved to the San Francisco District Public Prosecutor’s Office, where she still works.

Paranoia gripped San Francisco

He says tensions in the United States have never been like this, that he has never seen Americans protest in such large numbers. They were triggered by lockdown psychosis due to the crown, the economic crisis, but these are problems that can be easily overcome. Racial tensions are at their highest since he was in America, they scare him.

– The difference is pumped as national and religious in our country before the war. You go back to CNN, whites beat blacks, you go back to Fox, blacks beat whites, a toxic atmosphere is created, people arm themselves. Those who have never had a gun, buy. I have a weapon here too – says Pavlović.

The lawyer explains that Americans living along the California coast link racism to the post-election crisis, they believe that Trump, as a symbol of racism, divided the country. He thinks the biggest problem is that there is silence on this issue.

– People are afraid to speak openly, opinions, attitudes and feelings outside of what is politically correct, so as not to hurt anyone. This is how those feelings are compressed and a gap is created. When I talk to people of different races, they say one thing in society, and in private, you see that there is a dose of anger. Blacks believe that historically they have been mistreated, that they still earn less today, and then they target the whites, but not the elite, not the rich and corporations, but people who are of the same class, accusing themselves of some others of racism and isolation.

California Serbs voted for Trump

Pavlovic, who maintains contacts with our people, confirms that California Serbs also like Trump, because, as he says, he is obviously the first president who has the will to establish contact with Serbia, which is pushing the economy.

– He is a man who has not started a single war, which is something very important for us Serbs, and for me personally, it is a rarity in American foreign policy. He did a lot of good things, but he also has that demagogic side. His base is mostly white, more conservative, so he will get votes from that group, but in my opinion it is just a political question, I do not think Trump is racist.

Trump won’t give up

Pavlovic is confident that Trump will not give up when Biden declares final victory. Explain that the lawsuits will begin on December 1, when all the votes are verified. He says that the American president has an excellent legal team that will surely determine if there was a robbery.

– These people are not naive, they will turn over every stone to obtain evidence, to see if there was a robbery and how much. I cannot affirm that it exists, because I have no proof, but I find it strange, suspicious, that in some countries the participation exceeds 90 percent. It is also unusual that all those voices that have overflowed in the last few hours are so in favor of Biden. I do not believe that mass theft is possible, it is not easy to hide, it would be necessary to involve a large number of people. But, if there are such irregularities, when it should come to light, the interlocutor is safe.

Remember that Trump is still in power, as he says, he also has the Senate, he did a lot for the Republican Party, although many turned their backs on him, pushed hundreds of justices, appointed three justices of the Supreme Court and that will surely benefit him now .

– If these things are not resolved in mid-January, when the position is due, then a serious problem may arise throughout the country – Pavlović concludes.


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