RTS :: Professor Danica Grujicic: As soon as you feel the symptoms


Prof. Based on her own experience, Dr. Danica Grujicic states that it is very important to detect cornavirus infection early.

“I was fortunate to have an easy clinical picture, so I recovered relatively quickly, and I still have immunity, which I think is very important because I can move freely between patients and employees,” says Grujicic.

She explains that she felt the symptoms after the funeral, which, as she says, many people attended in a confined space.

“A relative of mine passed away and I couldn’t avoid going to the funeral. There were a lot of people in a small space. Although that space was open, it was not enough. Someone who was very contagious transmitted the virus to me,” explains Grujicic.

She adds that the funeral was on Thursday, and that she felt the first symptoms on Sunday.

“I got a fever on Sunday afternoon and I immediately went to bed because I saw from what I read about the literature and in viber networks and groups where colleagues included me, reading the experiences of colleagues that it is a virus that definitely causes a systemic reaction – it attacks muscles, bones, kidneys, lungs and even the central nervous system ”, explains the director of the Institute of Oncology.

He explains that he was lucky that, as he says, he had a milder clinical picture, which was accompanied by a lower temperature and muscle pain, so he was taking diclofenac, vitamins C and D.

Two-week home isolation

He points out that despite the milder clinical picture, he remained in bed for two weeks.

“I was isolated at home for two weeks as if I had the most severe form; I was literally in psychophysical rest for two weeks, although I had a mild clinical picture,” explains Grujicic, adding that physical activity should be completely reduced.

She adds that she returned to work after two weeks, but, as she says, it took her five weeks to return to the condition she was in before the crown.

“It took me five weeks to get to the condition I was in before I got sick to be able to walk to the fifth floor. I waited for the elevator to the first floor for weeks, which is not my trademark. And only after five weeks, of course. Seven from the beginning could say – this is the condition I had, ”explains the director of the Institute of Oncology.

I did not lose my sense of taste and smell

RTS Guest Clinics he states that during the illness he did not feel taste or smell.

“I didn’t lose my sense of smell or appetite. As soon as I ate two slices of bacon, I felt better,” says the famous doctor.

He adds that today, three months after Kovid 19, he still cannot train like before.

I explained that I was tested for antibodies every month.

“I was tested in September, October and November, IGG is positive, which means I still have immunity. Now I will be tested again in December,” says Grujicic, adding that his antibody level is still low after three months of overdose. Okay, yes.

Thromboembolic complications

Explain that it is characteristic of kovid 19 that it causes thromboembolic complications throughout the body.

“Something is happening that until now we have only seen in science fiction movies. It happened that I cannot draw blood from a patient to analyze because the blood is very clotted. That is why it is important that all those who are not doctors, who do not know if they have risk factors to see their GP because they know a lot about kovid 19 ”, explains the director of the Institute of Oncology.

He adds that the disease is such that drastic health deterioration occurs from hour to hour.

“So, now you are talking to the patient, after two hours they announce that they have resuscitated him,” he explains how the course of Grujicic’s disease can be uncertain, adding that that is why it is very important that citizens call the doctor as soon as they feel the first symptoms.

Contact your doctor at the first symptoms.

“As soon as you feel the symptoms, call a doctor immediately and go to bed immediately. Especially those who have a relative who has had thromboembolism or similar, then people who have had a problem with the veins in the legs, women who have had gynecological surgeries should call a doctor to receive Fraxiparin, which both dilutes the blood and prevents clotting, “said the director of the Institute of Oncology as a guest on the program. RTS practice.

According to her, gatherings should be avoided in the next period, especially shopping malls, which, as she claims, are the biggest source of infection.

“I understand young people and it is normal that they want to hang out, but now the big meetings are not good. I have always been against those boxes in the shopping centers. Air and natural ventilation are important, and that is not the case in a shopping center, “said Dr. Grujicic added that if we want to protect ourselves, in the future we will build open shopping centers or at least those in which natural ventilation is enabled.

He advises patients who have contracted kovida to be disciplined, to listen to the doctor’s advice, but to listen to their body.

It is important to take vitamins C and D, as well as drink plenty of fluids.

“A little natural immunity, a little vaccine and there will be an epidemic. I will not hear that we cannot defeat the crown,” said Professor Danica Grujicic.

Accepting Russian vaccine production in Serbia

Professor Grujicic advises the authorities to respond positively to Russia’s offer to produce its vaccine in Serbia.

“It is very important that we have our own vaccine. Torlak must remain ours. As a sovereign state, we must have our own vaccine, and even export it. All vaccines that our children receive must be produced in Torlak,” said the RTS guest. .

According to him, since the beginning of the pandemic, its duration was the most surprising.

“I think this is the third mutation of the virus. I expected it to disappear after the second wave in August. Now we have more infected patients with a milder clinical picture, but also those who have a more severe clinical picture, have more difficulties to recover, “said the professor. Grujicic.
