RTS host asked Dacic questions – the Society


How the conversation during the break of the interview between the President of the Serbian Assembly and the journalist exposed the propaganda mechanism of the so-called Public Service

A blunder or sabotage, that is, how the recording of an informal conversation was aired in the studio while the commercials were broadcast on television, is a question to which only the RTS authorities have an answer, but they do not want to publish it.

RTS host asked Dačić 1 questions

In any case, the video of the replay of the program “Thursdays at 9 o’clock”, where during the commercial break you can see the journalist Nada Gogić and the Speaker of the Serbian Parliament Ivica Dačić speaking, caused a lot of negative public attention, but also exposed the way they treat journalism. colleagues “of the public service – biased, with prepared questions to which the interlocutor chooses whether to answer.

During the break, which was broadcast on replay, the host asked the guest, “Do you want?” I have about this now, so you can continue with Zoran and Bajatović, “and Dačić replies,” I don’t want, what Bajatović. “

“Then let’s go to the Washington agreement and the elections in Kosovo.” If you want to mention Djilas, “the RTS host suggested with a smile to Dacic, adding:” I don’t think I will even mention Djilas tonight.

Gogić said, “You didn’t, but you did Tadić”, and she laughed again, and then Dačić continued with the words: “Who is Djilas?” Let me tell you one thing. They are amateurs, ”and then the sound disappeared.

SAA President Dragan Djilas told Danas that this video demonstrates what we have been saying for years: that the public service was “hijacked by the Vučić regime” and turned into a propaganda tool “destroying the lives of people and deceives citizens. “

– That is why I never had the opportunity to respond to the hours and hours of attacks and lies that were told about me on RTS. The journalists from the RTS newsroom got involved in the political fight against me, but also from all those who think differently, that’s why they persuade and remind government politicians to mention me if they forget to do it themselves. That is why we seek essential changes that allow professional journalists to enter RTS and report objectively on everything that is happening in our country. Simply put, we are asking for the truth to come into RTS, says Djilas.

When asked if he believes that the recording was accidentally released to the public, or that it is sabotage within the Public Service, he says that “he does not think anything about it.”

On the other hand, RTS cinematographer Vasko Vasović is convinced that this is a mistake.

– Such sabotage cannot occur in RTS. This is absolutely impossible in an atmosphere of fear of retaliation and loss of employment. No one would really risk something like that. It is clear that by mistake, instead of publicity, they left behind the tone of the study. While they realized what was happening, the train passed. Blam has already gone irrevocably to the public. There will be more and more errors of this type, because RTS is in a state of complete technological and creative disintegration. These are the inevitable consequences of such a situation. I also drew the attention of the Board of Directors to that, but they did not understand, Vasović emphasizes for Danas.

The host of the program “Thursday at nine”, Nada Gogić, did not respond to Danas’ calls and messages yesterday. Ivica Dačić was in no mood to speak in our newspaper about the recording of the program that was released to the public.

Antonela Riha, a journalist with many years of television experience, says for Danas that no one can say with certainty what really happened and how the controversial footage reached the public, but points out that something like this has never happened to her, nor does she know of a similar case. .

– Replays always take into account the breaks that are broadcast in the premiere program. It is always cut, pre-dialed, and those working on the making of the show often play the jingle, so the show that aired after the commercials continues. I don’t know if it’s a mistake or some kind of “detour,” but it’s certainly something completely unusual, Riha emphasizes.

He adds that it is completely common for a journalist and a guest to speak during commercials, but that what Gogić and Dačić spoke is completely scandalous.

– You will not remain silent during commercials that last a few minutes. Even being in “you” is not a problem if you have known someone for a long time, as long as they are not on the show. It’s not uncommon for her to say “we’ll talk about this and that.” It is normal for the interlocutor to know what the topics are, but it is not normal for him to know what the questions are, and choose which ones he will answer and which ones he will not. For me, that’s the key. The key phrase is “I’m not going to Bajataovic.” You do not have the right to want to or not, but you must answer the questions. And we should not know them in advance. Issues yes, never questions – says Riha and adds that choosing what the interlocutor will say and what is not the basic problem in this interview.


Referring to Dacic’s statement that he is an “amateur”, Dragan Djilas told him that he and the “amateurs” of the current government would clean up the political scene next year and send them to the past. “Here I promise you. Both you and Vučić and all those who turned this country into something terrible that none of us could have imagined even at the time when, together with Slobodan Milošević and Vojislav Šešelj, they led this country into wars and sanctions. and they led to him being “even expelled from the United Nations,” Djilas said.

Lekić: unprofessional in all respects

– Unprofessional behavior for all reasons. Technical errors are overshadowed by journalistic and ethical errors: this is how journalist Bojana Lekić commented on the recording of an informal talk on the show, which was released to the public, for Danas.