Rocker and athlete! All the girls were in love with him


He was the best student, an excellent athlete, the best table tennis player, he loved rock music and earned himself by growing corn for his first jeans, says Dušan Delić, who now lives in Chicago.

Our Prle was an excellent student, but also a good athlete, especially a table tennis player. He wore his hair a little longer, he listened to rock and roll, and almost all the girls were in love with him. He was always measured, polite, a great friend who wanted to help everyone.

This is how they describe Prvoslav Perić, the current Serbian Patriarch Porphyry, his best friends from childhood and early youth, who grew up with him in the Banat village of Čurug and spent their school days at the “Đura Jakšić” school.

One of them, Dušan Delić, an artist from Chicago, remembers the days of his childhood, when he and Prvoslav were inseparable. Everyone, he says, knew them as Prleta and Duleta.

“Prvoslav and I lived in Čurug, on Đure Jakšića street. We started getting together when we started elementary school and when we were put in the same bank. Since then, we have been inseparable friends even though we live on two continents, thousands of kilometers away. After elementary school, we started going out to the promenade, which at that time was the center of social life. It is the main promenade of Curug and for all the young people it was an entertainment center. on the promenade there were discos, where we got together to listen to music, also play games, have fun, but also a fight, however we were both not quarrelsome, but good guys, that’s probably why the girls liked to be in our company and to be honest we had fun with the most beautiful girls in Curug and the surrounding places. We shared everything we had. And shirts, pants, shoes and belts. We had a common wardrobe, so before we went We agreed who u would what. We never quarreled, “Delic recalls with a smile.

“We love rock’n’roll very much, we still love it today, and later Prlet was called ‘bishop of rock’ because he was close to that kind of music and because he dated famous musicians. Some of them later helped as a clergyman. get rid of the hell of drugs and alcohol. As children we worked in the fields, digging corn, beets, hops to earn money to go to the sea and concerts, but also to buy records and jeans, which were then our hallmark. to Janice Joplin, Bob Dylan, Jethro Tal, and then these locals came, ‘Azra’, ‘Smak’, ‘Leb i sol’ and others, ”says Dušan.

Delic admits that he was not surprised when his best friend told him that he had decided to take a monastic vow and completely withdraw to spiritual life.

“Prvoslav and I were believers until then, but not that way. We read Dostoevsky, we talked about God, the meaning of life. Prle became interested in religious education and, as an artistic soul, I was attracted to icon painting. It turned out After he determined All this could be felt in him, given the seriousness with which he approached the faith and gave himself completely to it, I expected it from him and when he told me that he would go to the Visoki Decani monastery as a novice. At the time of getting married, I invited Prvoslav to be my best man, but he couldn’t be a godfather in a civil marriage as a monk, so we found a middle ground and I took his godfather brother Srdjan, “Delic said.

Prvoslavlje’s best friend, Svetlana Zorić, revealed to us that he had always had a special peace and, although he lived like all young people of that time, it was obvious that he would go the other way around.

“He loved and played all sports well, especially table tennis. I remember when Prle went to table tennis with Dulet, all the girls would run around and gather to watch them. They were two inseparable friends and, above all, a very good boy. Prle also had a great love for Ljiljana, but their paths diverged. I remember her dance when she came to commemorate the jubilee anniversary of graduation. What else can I say about him than that he was a unique, educated, intelligent and great man? friend. Due to spinal problems, he spent most of the third and fourth grades in the hospital in surgery and again ended up as a “wolf.” Prle lived a normal life, but he always had some humility in him, which ultimately led to this. He really did it and we’re all proud of him. Our Prle, our patriarch ”, Svetlana told us excitedly.


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