ROAMING COMPLETELY DISCONTINUED: Known date when the Western Balkans will be able to talk on the phone at normal prices


This was confirmed today at the opening of the third Western Balkans Digital Summit, hosted by Tirana.

The Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Majlinda Bregu, recalled that the historic Belgrade agreement of 2019 initiated the progressive elimination of roaming, which will end on July 1, 2021, and stressed that the third step will be to reduce roaming between the Balkans. Westerners. and the EU.

– The Belgrade agreement has taken a great step forward, and the third step, which will be of a medium-term nature, is to reduce roaming between the Western Balkans and the EU. The preparations for that have already begun, he told Breg.

Says that accelerated digitization should contribute to the integration of the Western Balkan markets and that the idea of ​​a single market based on the free movement of people and goods will be confirmed at the Summit of EU and WB leaders in Sofia, to be held on November 10 as part of the Berlin Process. , capital and services.

The goal is to create new opportunities for company growth and job creation.

Bregu affirms that the region faces new challenges due to the kovida-19 pandemic and that is why the digital agenda is one of the main ones for development in the new conditions.

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