Risticevic: I didn’t hold a knife, it’s a pendant


Freedom and Justice Party MP Marinika Tepic posted a photo of the incident in front of the Serbian Parliament on Twitter, showing SNS MP Marijan Risticevic. Tepic stated that Risticevic was holding a knife in his hand. However, he claims for the Nova.rs portal that he did not have a knife in his hand, but the key to his car. The information that Risticevic was holding a knife was also denied by Police Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic.

Marinika Tepic published a photo of the incident that occurred in front of the Serbian Parliament on Friday, when the leader of Dveri, Bosko Obradovic and the deputies of that movement attacked Marijan Risticevic on her Twitter profile.

Tepic stated that Risticevic was holding a knife in his hand and asked how many deputies in the Serbian Parliament carried cold steel.

“First they made fun of her, are they now life threatening? Are these the conditions for the elections? They no longer bring bars and pistols like their Seselj, they switched to knives,” Tepic wrote.

However, Marijan Risticevic told the Nova.rs portal that she did not have a knife in her hand, but a keychain for her car keys.

“Where did you get him to carry a knife? Take a good look at the photo. Are you sure it’s a knife? Well, it’s not,” said Risticevic.

He claims that no MP can enter Parliament with knives.

“Do you see that both my hands are busy? To hold a bag and a phone in one, and a keychain in the other,” said Risticevic and sent pictures of your keys.

The Home Secretary, as a guest on TV Prva, also denied that Risticevic was holding a knife in his hand, stating that it was an attempt to turn the victim into a villain. Stefanović said that all citizens, watching the video of the incident, may be convinced that Marjan Risčević “has a key and a pendant in his hand and nothing else.”

During the incident in front of the Assembly, Dveri leader Boško Obradović and his supporters attacked MP Marijan Rističević, when security pulled him out of the crowd. On this occasion, Risticevic’s jacket was torn.
