RIKER DEALS WITH COMMON SENSE: Ambassador Bocan-Kharchenko told “Novosti” about the US messages.


Moscow is firmly committed to the development of a mutually beneficial strategic partnership with Belgrade, the results of which are obvious across the board. But that goal does not and will never include the counterproductive task of artificially limiting Serbia’s cooperation with other countries. We do not live by the principle of “uniting against someone”. It is regrettable that Washington has blatantly set itself this task.

This is how the Russian ambassador to Serbia, Alexander Bocan-Kharchenko, responds for “Novosti” to the naked messages of Philip Reeker, head of the Office for Europe and Eurasia of the US State Department, that Washington “will continue to dissuade Russian influence and China in Serbia “. Reeker said this includes constantly reminding Serbian leaders that none of these relationships are helping to achieve Serbia’s strategic goal of joining the European Union, but that they are having the opposite effect.

The American diplomat accused Moscow of using a disinformation campaign in Serbia to distract the public from its sympathy for Western ideals and goals, and also undermines democratic institutions.

– Previously, in personal meetings, Philip Reeker, although our approaches were very different even then, tried to remain primarily a diplomat. The ease with which the norms of mutual respect and common sense are now trampled on is astonishing, Ambassador Bocan-Kharchenko told our newspaper.

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