Right here is a field with the price of dried gold


BELGRADE – In the first six months of 2020, the amount of real estate sold in Serbia fell by 14 percent due to the pandemic, but they were more expensive compared to the same period in 2019 because the total amount of money is less by eight percent, the Geodetic Authority of the Republic recently announced. .

“In the first half of this year, the average price per square meter in an old building was 997 euros and in a new building 1,337 euros, and in the same period of 2019, a square meter in an old building cost 950 euros , and in a new building, 1,320 euros, “the statement read.

Real estate was paid for in cash for 67 percent of purchases in the first six months and the remainder with credit funds. This year, real estate was paid for five percent more with loan money than last year. In the first half of the year, 40,884 real estate sales contracts were concluded, that is, 14 percent less than in the same period of 2019.

The properties were marketed mainly in June, 10,288 contracts were concluded, 20 percent more than in the same month of 2019. In the first half of this year, the most marketed were apartments, construction and agricultural land.

“The number of weekend houses sold has increased significantly, participating in the total turnover by one percent,” the announcement states. It is added that the largest number of sales was made in Vojvodina, and then in Belgrade.

The most expensive hectare of field in the first half of this year was sold in the suburb of Novi Sad Let’s say for an incredible 100,000 euros per hectare. Last year the same price for arable land was maintained in the village of Gunaros near Backa Topola in the Severnobac district. Experts say that the fields will be even more expensive, because there are fewer and fewer.

Prices for agricultural land bought and sold throughout Serbia range from a minimum of € 100 per hectare to € 100,000, according to the Geodetic Authority of the Republic.

According to the RGZ report, about 90 percent of the fields sold cover an area from ten acres to three and a half hectares. As for the purchased fields that are more than five hectares, most of them are located on the territory of Vojvodina.

The highest price for arable land in Belgrade was € 56,800 per hectare, while in Šumadija and Western Serbia, the most expensive hectare was sold for up to € 52,650. Experts warn that there is less and less arable land and that, as a result, it will become increasingly expensive.


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Author: delivery courier
