Jack Trbosek of Subotica, as he was called, is behind bars for the murder of 14 people and children in Serbia and Hungary, which he committed in 1995.
At the same time, today he is spoken of as the most bloodthirsty assassin in Yugoslavia.
Ever since he started his bloody party with his death squad, as the media called Magda’s accomplices, in January 1994, in Subotica and Palić, the public has been intrigued by the story of this man from Subotica.
The inhabitants of this city remember him as a man who knew how to ride a white horse along the city promenade and who richly honored the waiters who gave his pet a drink.
In Serbia, Magda and her accomplices killed five people in Subotica in one night. The massacre began with the brutal liquidation of the three-member family Petrić, Milan, Stana and their son Dane (10), and ended with the murder of Josip and Verica Agatić in Palić. Four months later, police determined that Magda, alone or in a group, also killed the elderly Ida Feher in the vicinity of Subotica.

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Due to the murder of several members of the Agatic and Petric families in Palic, he was sentenced to death for the first time in Serbia in absentia, and Hungary, due to its own laws, was unable to extradite him to the country where such punishment is applied. Meanwhile, the maximum sentence in Serbia has been reduced to 40 years, so now there would be no such obstacles.
At the family home in Palić in early 1994, in the bedroom, the police discovered the lifeless bodies of the Agatić couple, Verica and Josip.
The investigation carried out by the inspectors was nowhere near completion when they received notification of another massacre. The Petrić family was killed in a small house, not far from the Buvlje market in Subotica. In the front room of the house, on the bed, lay the lifeless body of a ten-year-old Dane, in the next room the body of Mother Stana and in the bedroom the body of Father Milan. Those who knew Milan, a policeman who “controlled” the Subotica flea market area, spoke of him as an honest man who, as far as they knew, was not involved in illegal business.

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– That morning when the murders were discovered, “Agatić” was written in red paint on the monument to the heroes of the First World War, in the park in front of the Technical High School. The color that symbolized blood was still fresh and flowed through the monument. The citizens were afraid. There was constant talk of Agatić’s murder because a lot of people knew about them, considering that they had a photography shop in the city center, recalls one of the people from Subotica.
The group he killed in northern Backa and Hungary was discovered after one of its members untied his tongue. Ivan Š. Going by the nickname Ciganj, he himself called the police, and as he answered questions about the murders during the polygraph test, the inspectors began to resolve his doubts. Among other things, he marked Magda as the main organizer of the crime, in addition to giving her a 7.65 caliber “scorpion” and another pistol to “fix” it. The weapons were soon found and it turned out that they originated from the wars in the former Yugoslavia.
The joint work of the Serbian and Hungarian police established that Magda and her accomplices were responsible for up to 13 murders, including the death of old Ida Feher, a four-member Balint family in Szeged, Rozalija Horvat from Kecskemét, Dragutin Kujundzic from Subotica. ..

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There was a well-founded suspicion that he killed Nadj’s family of four from Szeged, Balint (42), his wife Gisela (42) and their children Danijela (17) and Balaz (10). The same weapon with which this family was killed also killed the couple Antal and Rozalija Horvat in Kecskemét, Hungary, and at the mentioned location it also killed the Croatian citizen Dragutin Kujundžić. He was also tried for the death of Edita Nemet de Oroshaza in Hungary.
It has never been determined exactly how many murders he committed and in how many he participated. All that is known is that Magda repeated that no child had ever been killed.
The former legionnaire was arrested in early 1994 at the Szeged police station, where he arrived after being called to obtain a permanent residence permit in Hungary. The inspectors who worked on this case say the call was actually a setup, in order to lure Magda to go to the police. For brutal crimes on the territory of our country, he was sentenced to death before a Serbian court, which later, due to a change in the law, was changed to a maximum prison sentence of 40 years. The proceedings against Magda in Serbia were carried out in her absence, considering that she had been in neighboring Hungary from the time of her arrest.

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A year and a half after the verdict was announced in Serbia, in December 1995, Magda was sentenced to life imprisonment in Hungary for the crime she committed in this country.
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