Rain clouds from Srem and western Serbia will move towards the Belgrade area in the next two hours, with weakening.
Source: B92

Torrential rains are expected in the Homolje area and in southeastern Serbia.
In addition, during the night from Friday to Saturday (25 / 26.09.), Saturday (26.09.) And Sunday (27.09.) There will be stronger clouds with rains, showers, thunders and a drop in temperature of 10 to 15 degrees.
Veder tu amrela (Weather2Umbrella) meteorologist Djordje Đurić believes we have three more days of summer ahead of us, plus the weekend brings us a strong cyclone and real autumn weather.
He adds that temperatures are expected to rise in early October.
“The beginning of October will bring warmer weather, and around October 3-4 the Miholja summer would begin, with temperatures around 25 degrees, and the maximum values would reach 28 degrees,” believes Đurić.
As he himself says, last October was also marked by high temperatures.
“Last October was extremely hot, with temperatures reaching 28-29 degrees by the end of the month. That October had more hours of sunshine and the number of days with temperatures above 25 degrees than May,” he wrote.