Revealed why half-naked people jump in the middle of the street in front of mom’s “surgery” (PHOTO)


The healer Momcilo Deljanin came to light when an image of semi-naked people jumping in the middle of Belgrade appeared on social networks while waiting their turn to receive them.

The messenger visited Momina’s “office” on Živko Davidovića street in Zvezdara. There is a padlock on the door and the inscription on the window: “ARRESTED”!

photo: Courier

After the appearance of the unusual image, the police reacted, so they took Deljanin in for an interview and then released him.

According to neighbors, Momcilo does not live on Zivko Davidovic Street, but only comes here sometimes, presumably to receive “patients.”

Apparently, the curandero treats skin and bone diseases, and the neighbors believe that people jump half naked in the street because Momcilo lubricates “fats that make the skin burn.”


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
